How to take yourself on vacation in Safaga?


There is no doubt that windsurfing is considered one of the most remarkable entertainment at the Safaga resort. Local authorities are even very proud that the global championship of this sport was held here. Of course, more experienced professionals believe that the avid soles should not be very much to count on safago, because there is simply elementary not to be wind.

The most guaranteed wind in Egypt can be searched only in Dahab. Well, simple tourists ride a few hours for entertainment on the board is in principle, very excellent pleasure.

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Also very popular in Safaga diving and diving with a mask and tube. Of course, the most famous places for immersion are the reef wall "Panorama", the chain of the reefs of Tobia Arbaa and the tower reef Abu Kifane.

As a rule, in the main diving centers of the boat, and instructors are striving to serve the groups, although in principle they can take independent travelers if they have places for this. The four-day course in the open sea cost about 260 euros, and for 50 euros you can get 2 boat dives.

If you have your own gear, then for such tourists, day tours for snorkeling on the island of Tobia are organized at the resort. Such pleasure costs 30 pounds per person, but Lunch is necessarily included in it. The main plot places at the resort are located at a distance of from about 6 to 8 kilometers from the shore between the Safag Island and the other island of Ras Abu Soma.

Also, the island of Tobia is almost surrounded by corals only directly near the coast itself, and diving from diving boats is performed on top of the Northern and South Farvatic reefs. There are also some places that are located 10 kilometers in the eastern direction from Safag Island. The main part of them is notable for very beautiful coral columns, but also with strong currents.

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From large fish living in these waters, a hammer fish is particularly interesting, which refers to the shark team. The fact is that even at the far distance and, of course, when approached in search of victims, the hammer shark very feels vibration, but at the same time in the most recent seconds before attack it is configured to electromagnetic fields that radiates its production.

These are such sharks and led to many fatal cases, for example, during one of the biggest marine catastrophes in Egypt, which happened in December 1991, when the ferry jumped into reef a few miles from the coast.

Also, do not forget that many tourists come to Safaga for the sake of wonderful healing sands with amazing properties. They are not only healing and clean, but also incredibly intimidating, and these sands are particularly effective in the treatment of certain skin diseases, in particular psoriasis.

Also, doctors also proved as a result of their studies that the nature of Safagi incredibly contributes to the treatment of arthritis. Moreover, this wonderful property of this resort was discovered quite by chance in the nineties of the last century. The German tourists who suffer from arthritis were rested and after rest, they felt significantly better. Well, naturally spoke about this local Egyptians.

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After that, local doctors conducted relevant studies and found that among the local indigenous people almost no one suffers from skin diseases or arthritis. So thousands of people completely from different countries come to Safagu to improve themselves, and recently tours here are becoming increasingly popular. Some experts in the turbines even argue that soon Safaga must be ahead of the demand for the famous therapeutic resorts of the Dead Sea.

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