What excursions should go to Safaga?


Safaga is in a common small Egyptian town, which is located on the shores of the Red Sea and became famous for the whole country and far beyond its limits with its beautiful beaches. The fact is that the black sands of the beaches of Safagi were popular thanks to their healing properties.

But besides this, there is also beautiful dry and very clean air, and beautiful coral reefs stretched almost along the coast. All this together in addition with a wide selection of hotels, restaurants and some other tourist infrastructure facilities and makes Safaga one of the most beautiful resorts in Egypt.

What excursions should go to Safaga? 35002_1

In addition to saying the traditional beach holiday, the Safaga resort attracts many more lovers of a wide variety of water sports. Almost nature itself, all the necessary conditions have been created here in order to engage in windsurfing and kitesurfing.

Well, numerous diving centers are constantly organized in Safaga immersion for everyone who wants to admire the beauty of the underwater world. Also here often come in love with couples who love exoticism, and strive under water to hold the marriage ceremony.

Then, from Safagi, if desired, you can go on excursions to the same famous Luxor, in Cairo, as well as attend the staying near the city of Harbor Pharaoh.

Comparatively not far from the resort is Oasis Dahla. Geographically, it is located in the Valley of the Nile almost next door to such oases as Farafra and Harga. But the oasis Dahla also received fame due to hot sources, and many tourists come here to obtain relief when radiculitis and some gastric diseases.

The most natural way the water here takes the temperature to plus 43 degrees. By the way, the most popular source is located on the outskirts of the city of Muta and received his name on behalf of the Goddess Fan Triad. Near the source there is a hotel for travelers where you can make a stop. Also in Mute you can visit the famous ethnographic museum, where the culture of the Oasis Dahl is described in more detail.

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Being on vacation in Safaga, you must certainly visit his seaport, which was created by Tsar Sakhura, who ruled in the third millennium BC. In those days, he was a trading base and also to study the water of the Red Sea.

Now from this port, which is separated from the sea with some natural protrusions of the shores, passenger ships are departed in Saudi Arabia, other Egyptian cities, to Jordan, as well as private cruise ships, collecting tourists to nearby islands and to reefs.

It is noteworthy that every year in the fall from the port in Safag, many Egyptian pilgrims go to the religious haj-pilgrimage to Mecca - to the city, which is located in the western part of Saudi Arabia. According to the teachings of Islam Hajd, every Muslim must accomplish at least once in his life.

A few dozen kilometers from the center of Safaga is the ancient amazing harbor of Egyptian pharaohs, which is called El Comeur. It was in this place in the period of more ancient Egypt that slaves trade took place, as well as goods, which were of great interest in those times.

This territory was then considered a transshipment point from Somalia to Cairo - from there, then not only slaves, but also jewels, elephant bone, as well as various spices and spices. Also near the harbor of the Egyptian pharaohs, there is another popular landmark - the place of the crash of the ship with pilgrims, who were sent to Haj Mecca in 1992 and sent to reef.

Then, being on vacation in Safaga, it is also worth visiting the Serapeur temple, located also in Alexandria and dedicated to God Serapis. This is an amazing creature that combined the features of two gods (Osiris and Apis) and in the image of the most ordinary person. In this old temple, by the way, you can see its image.

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In those long-standing times in Egypt, there were several sacred places and each of them was called Serapeum. In the same Alexandria, this temple was built during the time of the board of Ptolemy III, which was ruled in 246-222 to our era. Then, according to the historical chronicles and descriptions, Serapeum was the most majestic and largest temple, so to speak in the Greek center of the city.

Tobia is a completely tiny island located in the Red Sea, and it is located near the Egyptian resort of Safaga. This is a very popular tourist destination, but in addition to this, he attracts many divers. The island itself is essentially a small unprecedented landclock, completely covered with sand and devoid of all vegetation.

However, on this island there is one big sandy beach and tourists here bring on the boats. Well, divers of course attract the underwater beauty of this island, because the island is surrounded by an unusually picturesque coral reef, and in his waters there are many exotic fish, as well as jellyfish, mollusks and other marine creatures. Also, there are often large marine turtles, laying eggs on the sandy shore.

What excursions should go to Safaga? 35002_4

Another very interesting attraction - Turkish Fort is located in Safaga almost in the center of the resort. It was built in the sixteenth century and was considered to be one of the main attractions of the country. Some travelers generally come to Safagu only in order to see this fort, which was built by Turkish residents. Here you can admire it with beauty, listen to the story of a guide about the history of its creation and of course make awesome photos.

Also, not so far from Safaga are and very famous quarries, which are called Mons Claudianus. They are located next to the other ancient Egyptian ruins, that is, with the temple of God of Serapis, with the Roman city and with the famous fortress. To see all of this, you just need to drive some 44 kilometers.

Quarries are not only a unique architectural monument, but also one of the most popular attractions in Egypt. As you know, the Ancient Roman Pantheon at one time was built from the popular black granite and white marble. And these materials were just mined in these quarries. By the way, as studies have shown, the material that these quarries are rich in is not only beautiful, but also durable.

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