What time is it better to go to rest in Safagu?


Safaga as in principle and all other resorts located on the shores of the Red Sea is in the authority of the subtropical climatic zone. Therefore, it is possible to confidently say that weather conditions in this region are ideal in order to successfully develop tourist business here.

In fact, hot weather in Safaga is established at the beginning of March - in April for months. During this period, the average air temperature is held at + 27 + 30 degrees, however, the water in the sea after winter still remains cool.

With the arrival of May month, the air warms up to quite decent plus 32 degrees, and in this regard, and water in the sea becomes much warmer. May month is very good time for vacation in Safag, if you just want to sunbathe, but not overheat.

What time is it better to go to rest in Safagu? 34998_1

The real heat at the resort begins with the arrival of June of the month and, in fact, until the very end of August, the air temperature is not at all lowered below plus 36 degrees, and a periodically the thermometer rolls over and above the mark of +40 degrees.

Even in principle, at night, the air remains the same hot, so it is quite natural that rest in Safaga in the summer is not very favorable for older people and to relax with children.

In September, the heat in the afternoon, in principle, something resembles a summer, however, at night, the freshness and columns of the thermometer with the occurrence of darkness can also appear on the nightness of the onset of darkness even below the mark of + 24 ... 26 degrees.

But by the end of October, the weather becomes much more comfortable - the air temperature does not go beyond plus 30 to plus 35 degrees. Yes, and the sea is very warm during this period, so relaxing in Safag is just best at this time.

Also in November, it is still possible to rest quite comfortably on the beach, although the air temperature during this period becomes more unstable. Most often, the thermometer shows from plus 25 to plus 26 degrees, but sometimes it is colder - even to plus 20 degrees during the day and at night to plus 15 degrees.

December and February are naturally considered the most cold months in Safaga, but at the same time they please all the same tourists with warmth. If the average air temperature keeps at + 20 degrees, then it can often fall out when the thermometer column rises even to plus 25 - plus 30 degrees.

What time is it better to go to rest in Safagu? 34998_2

True, at night, even to +18 degrees can get colder, and sometimes even to plus 13 - plus 15 degrees. It is at this time that it is very good to come to Safagu with young children, because acclimatization passes at all unnoticed.

In Safaga, to call the sea cold ever at all is impossible at all. You can safely swim in winter, because water in the sea does not cool below the mark plus 23 - plus 24 degrees. Even if in February-March water temperature in the sea falls, then by April it returns to the usual + 23 + 24 degrees.

In May, the water temperature is perfectly suitable even for swimming kids, as it is a fundamental to plus 25 plus 26 degrees. Well, if you suddenly decide to come here in the heat - in the most peak of the summer, we should know that the temperature of the water in the sea reaches plus 28 - plus 29 degrees. And the same warm sea remains until the beginning of November of the month, and only then water begins to gradually cool to plus 25 degrees.

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