Is Safaga suitable for recreation with children?


It should be noted that tourists are not so often coming to Safagu on holidays with children, such as in Makadi Bay or in Hurghada. The main reasons for this can be called first of all remoteness from the airport and a weakly developed infrastructure, well, of course the lack of a variety of children's entertainment. In this, in principle, there is a certain proportion of truth, but rest fans in Safaga have a lot of their arguments.

First of all, the distance from the airport located in Hurghada is not so large, just some 55 kilometers. To compare with Turkey, there are often popular resorts from airports at least 100-150 kilometers. In addition, buses to Safaga will be departed from Hurghada from Hurghada, and even the resorts of this province can not even get to the bus.

Is Safaga suitable for recreation with children? 34995_1

Then housing in Safaga is not so expensive, as for example, in Makadi Bay or in El Guna, but not so respectable. Nowadays, the resort is still not boasting any solid hotels, but nevertheless, the service will be admissible in four-star hotel complexes is already on a very good level.

So if you are looking for a place for a comfortable stay with a child, then you should pay attention to such a resort as Soma Bay, which is literally a few kilometers from Safaga. There are a lot of family hotels there and excellent conditions have been created to relax with breast children and with preschoolers.

Tourists adore safago and places next to it are for excellent sandy beaches. Well, the fact that sand on the shore also has therapeutic properties, so it brings these beaches even more popularity.

However, this resort comes not only for the sake of a beach holiday, in general the safago is very appreciated by Windows and Kiteserthers, for which the training centers and equipment rental centers are working. Also very well refer to Safaga and Divers, because there is a lot of dive sites next to this resort, both for beginners and professionals.

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But as such entertainment for children in the resort is really no, you need to go to Makadi Bay or in Hurghada. If older children, then with them, in principle, you can travel in Egypt, that is, to go to Cairo, in Giza or in Luxor.

So as a whole, Safaga is more suitable for recreation with adolescents, ready to be active and familiarizing with local cuisine. Well, for relaxation with very young children in Safaga, perhaps a little comfort, and preschoolers will probably be just boring.

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