Where can I eat in Luxor?


Perhaps a culinary diversity in Luxor is not so much as much as in Cairo. However, institutions where you can dine, and just have a snack, here is also enough. In high-class hotels there are own restaurants, where air conditioners always work, there is a wonderful service and a very diverse kitchen.

For example, "Ryramisa ISIS" presented mainly Chinese cuisine, in Sonesta Saint George - Japanese, and in other Italian or French, and such restaurants by the way more.

Well, in conventional places you will find in principle the most simple - pizza, omelets, kebabs and all other tourist snacks. As a rule, the menu is highlighted outside of such restaurants, and in most of them the waiters know English a little, so there should be no problems with orders.

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However, you must be prepared for the fact that in these restaurants in the account there may be an additional amount for maintenance, as well as a tax that is sometimes up to 22%, but to be honestly taking it not in all places.

If you are interested in ordinary street food, it can be bought on the streets of Ramses, El Carnak and Yusef Hassan. At the corner of the street, the Al-Mahatta Street operates a 24-hour bakery, in which you can buy salted pretzels and buns. Well, in the shop "Twinky", located on the ball, El Mansha, is a little closer to the station, you can purchase a variety of pastry.

If you plan to cook in Luxor yourself, then you have a sufficient number of small grocery benches that trade canned, olives, cheeses, juices and fruit yogurts. In principle, you can always buy fresh fruits and bread in the bazaar, and in mini markets located on the street television, a wide range of imported products is offered.

Popular tourists in Luxor Snackory "Abou Ashraf" is brightly lit, and here you can eat very tasty, or if you wish, take a jacket, fried chicken, Kushari and Shawarma, well, and in principle, something from baking for dessert. This establishment is quite inexpensive, and at the discharge of accounts here are defined creativity. The snack bar is working until midnight.

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One of the best restaurants in Luxor is considered "1886", which is located almost in the heart of the city. Here is a historic atmosphere and a colonial interior, fully reviving the atmosphere of that year. As a rule, Mediterranean-French cuisine are served here, because there are quite small modern dishes in Egypt itself.

For guests here is a must-code and men must be necessarily with a tie and jackets. But do not worry if you have a jacket with you - there will always be such a hire in the restaurant. Understatell, try here a classic dish - a pressed duck with exquisite wine.

"Gerda" is also a famous restaurant in particular among European travelers. His hosts are the German-Egyptian couple, and he is mostly oriented on Egyptian cuisine, but it has in its menu and European dishes to be comfortable to tourists and Luxor travelers.

The restaurant is decorated very calmly and homely so that you feel it, respectively, felt here. Corporate dishes here are goulash, kebab and potato salad.

The restaurant "Koshari Alzaim" is named by the name of the National Egyptian dish, which is preparing from noodle, roasted onions, rice, black lentils and tomato sauce. This restaurant became unforgetable by the fact that it serves the best koshari.

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So this place can be considered the most beautiful for exploring the national cuisine of Egypt. The restaurant is actually incredibly popular, and the places here are filled very quickly. Therefore, you will have to stand in line, or go to a branch that is located near Midhana Yusef Khasan.

Also in the business center of Luxor is a chic restaurant "Sofra" along with a cafe on the roof. The interior of the restaurant is very harmoniously decorated with antique furniture, chandeliers and tiles.

It is mainly served by classical Egyptian cuisine, which are prepared from traditional products that are absent in modern restaurants. Here you can try such unusual dishes as stuffed dove and duck. Well, on the roof you can smoke sophisticated hookah and enjoy the beautiful view of a lively city.

Also perfectly suitable for the exquisite dinner, another restaurant in Luxor, which is called "Silk Road" or "Silk Road." It was popular thanks to his exotic kitchen, because here you can find Indian notes literally in all dishes.

This is all explained by the fact that almost everything is preparing either personally or under the control of the famous Indian chef. But the spices that are used to prepare these dishes are specially brought from China, Thailand, India and Central Asia. When you look at the menu, then a huge variety of dishes may result in confusion, so you can ask for some recommendations from staff.

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