Which hotel is better to stay in Luxor?


The cost, as well as the availability of places in Luxor hotels in principle depends on the time of year and from tourist activity. If we talk about business in the tourist sphere, then there are only two seasons in this city - that is, the high, which continues from November to May month, and low ongoing from June to October.

So practically the price of accommodation is either growing or falling depending on the demand for which the number of tourists and competition is mainly affected by cruise ships.

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Many cheap Luxor hotels usually hire for themselves that they are engaged in their activities as a kind of hunting and the most by any way try to discourage customers from competitors.

If you have already chosen in advance, where you will stop, it is better not to pay attention to such offers - for example, to carry out to some other place, because in your account will be included and the commissions of these very closed. In some hotels, the board takes place in settlement from one person, and in others from the room, so the opportunity to bargain is essentially different everywhere.

Three-star hotels, especially those that are new, where the number of guests is still small, or vice versa old, which have more successful competitors, often evade tax payments and therefore they can reduce prices for you.

Well, the cheapest hotels as a rule at all rarely pay taxes, and therefore can drop the price decently - even a few pounds. In principle, you should know that breakfasts in most Luxor hotels are generally the same, so you should not pay any attention to generous promises.

But still, if a cool chef is working in the restaurant and, besides, he has a license to trade with alcoholic beverages, it will certainly speak in favor of this hotel.

Cheap Luxor hotels worth less than 100 pounds per room for 2 people or very cheap establishments in which you can settle for 25 pounds focused mainly around the streets of Yusef Hassan, television and al-Mahatta.

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But nevertheless there are still them in the area of ​​television street, which is about a 15-minute walk from the famous Luxor Temple and from the train station. Do not pay attention to the dirt in the alleys, and you just know that this is a lively very promising area. It is absolutely safe for living and even more calm than, for example, the city center, in which by the way is cheap hotels less.

As a rule, in these hotels will be provided for hot water and even breakfast, if the opposite option is not specified in advance. One of these popular hotels is Fontana - a favorite place among tourists who are not accustomed to comfortable conditions. This is a clean and well-furnished hotel in which there is even a library and a free laundry. For an additional 10 pounds you can get off the room with air conditioning and with a bath.

At the middle category hotels in Luxore are mostly three-star. Rooms with private bathrooms, televisions and air conditioning are already available. They usually have a restaurant and bar, and sometimes even pools.

So all these hotels are essentially different from each other only by the location, atmosphere and interior, as well as prices. Although the breakfast is also included in the price, but you should not expect anything over what they can offer in any cheap hotel.

For example, such a hotel as "emilio" is located in the center and is very popular with European tour groups, so you need to book numbers here in advance. All rooms in it are quite comfortable, and there are minibars and satellite TV, as well as on the roof there is a swimming pool and in the hotel Bar and Disco.

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Five-star Luxor hotels are usually accustomed to mainly working with tourist groups that consist of rich Egyptians. Those, in turn, thanks to prior booking, they usually pay less than it is even indicated in official rates.

So, if you also boast the rooms in advance in these hotels on the Internet, then you can save up to 20%. Well, if you arrive in the summer, you can achieve a much greater discount. For example, such a hotel as "Hilton Luxor Resort and SPA" is a gorgeous spa hotel and is located just 4 kilometers from the Luxor Temple and literally at one and a half kilometers from the Karnak Temple.

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