Shopping in Luxor. What to buy?


Almost all the streets located around the Luxor temple are essentially filled with souvenir shops, in which traders are the most diverse hectares try to lure tourists to themselves. In no case should not go to the bazaar with a taxi driver, or with someone from the random accompanying, otherwise you will have to pay him commissions for each your purchase.

Even despite tough competition, do not forget to feel boldly bargain, since all sellers here expect that those who arrived generously will pay for any of their goods. Stores with fixed prices in Luxor are highly rare, but they can get a good landmark in order to bargain in other places.

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Just keep in mind that gold and silver products are selling here on the weight, and it is natural that prices for them should be tightly installed. A good and pleasant place to buy such products is "El Safa Bazaar", which is located on the Labaih Habahi. But on Radwan Bazaar, which is located opposite the Pyramisa Isis Hotel, a much greater choice of various styles.

Among the products offered by local artisans are specially popular with clay pots for cooking. They are sold at a price of about 5 pounds near the police building. It can be a bowl of the village of Khagaz, which are manually cut out of the wood of orange or lemon trees, as well as Tamarisk.

And you can also buy merchandise silk and cotton, as well as flax from the Upper Egyptian Achmim. In principle, all these listed goods, as well as embroidery of Bedouins and carpets you can find in the Fair Trade Center shopping center, which works daily in the morning and until late evening.

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It is located behind the bus station in the place where Egyptian handicraft cooperatives traded with its products. If you want to buy alabaster or papyrus at cheaper prices, it is better to do this on the West Bank of the Nile. There is one of the few in Luxor stores with fixed prices - "Nefertari Papyrus Institute".

In the very center of Luxor, carpet shops and antique shops have almost long enough of the merchants and spices, but on Tuesdays, it's still a large market with vegetables and fruits on Tuesdays. And of course, the exotic lovers should visit the weekly cattle market, as well as the camel market in Daraau, where they will receive a lot of new impressions.

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