Best entertainment in Dahab


Dahab in general is a tiny Egyptian village on the shores of the Red Sea, located near the foot of the most pretty deserted Sinai mountains. Here the atmosphere is the same as in small Egyptian towns - a tool in the bazaar, mosques and goats, melancholic trash.

However, nevertheless, Dahab constantly attracts tourists from different countries, especially from Russia. This is such a peculiar place of serenity, inner silence and joy, so sometimes getting here, then people return again and again.

In general, in essence, Dahab is considered the most windy resort in Egypt. And all this is because approximately 25 kilometers from the city of Ababa Bay narrows and the peculiar effect of the aerodynamic tube is obtained. However, the North Wind, which blows along the coast, does not at all create the effect of a surf wave and does not interfere at all bumping people.

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But it was precisely for her smooth and permanent wind of Dahab and loved windsurphs and cater. It is absolutely optionally to carry equipment with me, since the rental of boards, wetsuits and sails are not engaged here well, just the most lazy.

You are easy to learn how to catch the wind here, even if you have never done it, and even if you do not know English, because there are several Russian-speaking stations in the city, including the most famous "wind".

Here give lessons even to small children and teenagers. Newbies as a rule overlook the water directly in the lagoon, well, and more experienced are trying to ride a bay in the Lighthouse area.

The second is the most interesting and no less important thing if I keep in mind the list of Dakhabsky Must Do is definitely diving. Perhaps, even the most indifferent people in such dives when they come to Dahab, sooner or later they are still sent to the dive center, or to the Freediving coach.

After all, just imagine how many interesting-colorful corals, which are shining in surprisingly transparent water, arrogant fish-Napoleon, spotted skates, beautiful and as poisonous winters, however, not to count.

Practically dive-spot in Dahabe more than three dozen and almost that they all have an occasion from the shore, so this resort is the perfect place to make the very first immersion. Well, already immersion directly into the blue hole is suitable for more experienced divers, however, like the night diving.

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Have you ever drank tea in the night mountains? If not, then you should go on holiday in Dahab. The fact is that it is surrounded by the Sinai mountains, which are low and deserted, and besides, at first glance, deserted.

At dawn and at sunset, sandstone hills are cleaned with a clean gold color, and in a hot noon look faded and dull. However, if you come to the mountains at night, you can get the biggest and deep impression of such a trip. Just imagine - the fragrant Bedouin food, the smell of a fire, hookah and spicy tea with conversations.

It seems that you have moved as if one thousand years ago, when merchants were moving on these roads, coffee and spices. Even the stars above the deserted mountains shine completely differently - they are huge and sparkling here.

You can also go to the Reserve of Ras Abu Galum or in the oasis of the BIR, if your soul requires, as if even more separation from civilization. There are no central communications or electricity, only water from the well and food from the meager Egyptian land, or caught in the sea.

Well, instead of the air conditioner in the room, the window and doors are laid open. Your smartphones and gadgets can not take with you and generally forget about their existence, because the signal does not catch there at all.

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Oddly enough, Dahab is an amazing place to engage here yoga. Here, almost all expatics are passionate about that, perhaps, individual divers that are so tired of the water, that they have enough strength to reach the bed and collapse into it.

You can, in principle, if you wish, come just in the morning to the beach in an embrace with your rug and do there at dawn. Well, if you have a desire, but there is no experience, you can go to yoga centers at hotels.

There in the schedule you will see several types of yoga at once, ranging from the simplest for beginners and ending with the most advanced for those who know other asians except the most common Shavasana.

For those who want to go deep into the world of yoga, there are offers of 4 or 7 day retreats, when you will do it in the morning and until the evening, and in breaks to swim in the Red Sea.

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