Where can I eat in Dahab?


In principle, there are enough different hotels in the Dahab resort, but the nutrition quality in them can be very radically different from hotels located on other resorts. For example, the most prestigious hotels related to the Hilton network, which occupy the first coastline next to the lagoon, feed their guests very and very decent and quite diverse.

There is nothing surprising in this, because even accommodation in them in principle is much more expensive. Well, in 3 and 4 star hotels, things are somewhat different. Here the food is of course much easier, although the choice of dishes is also decent enough.

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However, if you compare the quality of the food along with the service and accommodation as a whole in the resort with hotels located in Hurghada, for example, Dahab can uniquely put the highest score for all these services. There are not so many tourists here, it's easy and freely and freely, very calm and therefore tourists here are very thorough.

But if you come here a vacancy, then before you cook something yourself, you must first run in local markets and shopping. In principle, here literally at every step at least something can be bought. Sumps are easiest to be diagnosed with products in supermarkets, for example, in such large as "Ghazala Market" - there are always fresh products and a good choice.

However, prices are fixed there, and therefore there is no reason to bargain there. Tourists can safely buy here, both products and fruits and alcohol, and chemistry, and household accessories for the house. The largest number of markets intended for local residents can be found by hidden in the middle of the cattle in the inland streets. But what is in plain form and as it were, it is always designed for tourists, and the prices here are already completely different.

If you walk along Dahab, but it's better to do this in the afternoon, when it's not so hot, then you can stumble upon pleasant cheap eaters and, if you wish, a quick snack there. Do not be afraid of the quality of the products - everything is very fresh, but you will be impatientable to you that they look like these eaters in Dahab look like you have fallen in the long time of the former USSR.

But the main part of Dahab restaurants as it was stretched along the sea, and along the entire length of the embankment of Masbat. In all these institutions, the entouge is about the same - colored carpets, handkerchiefs, garlands, all sorts of arab baubles, sometimes somewhere hanging the swing and the fire is burning in the winter, somewhere playing light music.

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Immediately, as usually runs a whole bunch of cats, to which in Egypt are very careful, and Bedouin children. The first swirls are something delicious, and the second is usually offered to buy some Bedouin bracelets. And those and others deny it very difficult.

Near each literally restaurant on the street, it is usually called, which invites you to visit only his institution. Of course, he lures visitors first of all discounts, and more to attract and nothing else, because the kitchen is usually the same, however, as the feed.

Usually everywhere in the menu you will find soups, salads, pizza, meat, bird, seafood, frosses, desserts, hot drinks and surprisingly even vegetarian dishes. If you, for example, to order meat or seafood, then they will definitely bring tortilla and some starters from local snacks - Takhin, Babaganush, Humus or Musaku.

As a rule, to the main dishes, be it meat, seafood, fish or chicken is added according to the standard of rice, Potato Fries, or grilled vegetables. What kind of side garnish you want - specify necessarily during the order

If you, for example, want to enjoy seafood, then you have a huge selection of mussels, shrimps, crabs, fish, lobs, octopus and squid. In principle, all this you can see in the cooled form right on the street in the refrigerators.

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You can order them here directly by weight, or the same portion dishes that are listed in the menu. As a rule, squid, octopuses and shrimps are prepared on the grill, or in a fryer or baked in Beduenski in pots with the addition of a certain set of spices. Fish can serve with grill or under sauce. Undoubtedly, you need to try in the restaurant "Shark" Seafood soup - very tasty.

Like a chicken and meat here, too, everywhere prepare well. However, the steaks are not a chicken Dahab, so it is better to choose some grilled dishes. By the way, the size of the dishes here is truly decent, so you will be completely able to fit together. Just do not try to try everything at once - it's better to make several goals to the restaurant.

As for alcohol, it is sold here only in special stores. So if you are even going for dinner in a restaurant, you need to take alcoholic beverages with you. Already in the restaurant you can bring glasses, ice bucket or ice, unless you express such a desire.

But you will have to open drinks yourself, since the locals do not even touch alcohol - in principle it is impossible. In some restaurants during Ramadan post, you will not be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages inside, so you should not be surprised.

Most restaurants on the embankment opens as a rule at 12-13 hours of the day. But in the evening, the whole embankment as it can be cleaned with multicolored lights and the entire masbat is filled with music, jokes and conversations that are coming from different sides.

You can choose any restaurant, which is more suitable for your mood, and dive into the endless night of Dahab. As a rule, restaurants work here to the last client. Some of the most pleasant restaurants can be called "Shark", then "Ali Baba" - the most filtered perks in Dahab, the Russian restaurant "Red Cat" and another Mexican restaurant "Jackie`s".

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