Rest with children in Dnepropetrovsk. Useful tips.


Once in Dnepropetrovsk with the child, you definitely do not have to miss, because it is fairly easy to find entertainment for kids and for more adult children.

There are many children's stores in the city, which are very easy to find in numerous shopping centers of the city. In many of them you can buy all the most necessary for your baby, ranging from baby food and care products, ending with fashionable clothing and various toys. In huge shopping centers, for example in Europe, Passage or Caravan, you can find clothes of world-famous firms, such as Chicco, Mothhercare and others. If the child is completely small, diapers and mixes at an affordable price can be bought almost in all city supermarkets, most of which work around the clock.

In the warm season, be sure to go with the child to the Komsomolsky Island, will not get much difficulty. Practically in the center of the city is enough to go through a pedestrian bridge and you are in place. In addition to beautiful nature and clean beaches, there is a fairly large amusement park with swings, carousers and other intractions. In the warm season, you can ride water cettoys or damn wheels. Immediately, in the park there is a zoo where you can feed animals with a child. With a big desire, you can ride horses or small ponies. Here you can buy various souvenirs, balloons and toys. Children can be treated with tasty sweet cotton or popcorn.

Literally a 15-minute walk by moving through the same bridge, you will find yourself on the observation platform, from where you have a chic view of the waterfront of the city. The spectacle is just great!

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During the city holidays, there are exhibitions of flowers, folk skill fairs, and sometimes the launch of heavenly lanterns. From the side looks just magnificent. From the observation deck, the shipping part of the Dnieper is clearly visible, then freight barges are often held, because the child will be interested to look at it.

Climbing higher along the path, you will get to Shevchenko Park, in which local youth and mothers with kids are walking. Here, among the Christmas trees and other trees, you can see the protein that sometimes take nuts right with the park guests. There are a lot of trees in this park, because even a hot spring here can hide from the heat. It is unlikely that in some other city you will find such beauty a 5-minute drive from the city center. Going along the embankment towards the center, on the parapet you can see the seated metal figures couple in love globes. Here they love to be photographed small guests of the city.

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A few meters away is a metal tree of lovers, many newlyweds tying colorful tapes on it so that their marriage was happy and durable.

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The Dnipropetrovsk Embankment is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places in the city, in the warm season, you can walk here almost all day. Neat and clean tiles make a walk more comfortable, and massive flower beds with a variety of flowers please the eye. For those who were hungry, there will be a cafe, and a restaurant and even a supermarket. From May to September, you can ride a child on a motor ship, which departs from the pier every 30 minutes. There is such a pleasure about 50 hryvnia, the walk lasts about an hour. She will certainly like your baby and leave only pleasant memories.

Moving to the center, you can see the mysterious pyramid, the vertex of which decorates the glass ball. It is believed that this ball is magical. It is worth only to make a desire, touch the mystical sphere and it will certainly come true. This is a favorite place of guests of the city, and in the evening youth going on the steps here.

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There is in Dnepropetrovsk and a unique place - a family shop, a total of 50 meters long. She is even listed in the book of Records of Ukraine. Fancy forged shapes of an angel, a cat and dogs and others decorate the partitions of a shop. The design is very like to local residents, but the huge delight of it causes the city guests, especially in kids. She is at the festival berth, and absolutely everyone can sit on it, at any time of the day.

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