Where to go in Dahab and what to see?


The Egyptian resort of Dahab is located on the Sinai Peninsula, which as if the wedge goes to the Red Sea. On the east side, it is washed by the Bay of Aqaba, well, and the Western Suez Bay. Historians suggest that the very first people who have been similar to modern Homo Sapiens, it was in this place that moved from Africa to North to Europe. In the Bible, by the way, the Sinai Peninsula is very often mentioned, so those tourists who have entered into such a land can well be literally literally to the very sources of civilization of mankind.

If we talk about the sights of Dahab, then first of all it is worth remembering the old town, which is called Masbat. It is located along the coast, and he is considered the old one because he was there even before that time, when in about the second half of the twentieth century, the resort industry was actively developing here, hotels, banks, shops and other infrastructure are built.

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Here in the old town mostly felt the exotica of this place, that is, settlements that originates from the time of Nabateev. These tribes settled on the spot where the current Dahab is located, even in the second-first centuries to our era, because it was here that a trading path was held, and in this place then there were excellent oasis.

Those who are interested in history and are familiar with various attractions of the East, can immediately associate Dahab Nabathicheev with those Nabatures, which are mentioned in Peter - the world famous monument of history, which is located in modern Jordan.

Also very exotic in Dahab is the Bedouin village of Assalam, which tourists are usually visited in order to get acquainted with the vitality of the indigenous inhabitants of the Bedouin Desert.

In essence, the villagers themselves have long been accustomed to visiting tourists - this is a kind of business for them, they treat guests to tea and even offer to ride camels. For a certain amount of money, it is quite possible to stay for the night in some Bedouin family.

Naturally, being on vacation in Dahab, it is simply impossible not to visit the mountain and the monastery of St. Catherine. The fact is that the mountain of St. Catherine is the highest point of the Sinai Peninsula, and the monastery of St. Catherine himself is located near her foot.

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This is actually a real pearl in the vicinity of Dahab. The monastery was founded in the fourth century by hermits who retired here in search of a place for prayer. The monastery is Greco-Orthodox and well fortified from all sides. To enter inside the monastery without special permission can not be even pilgrims, so you can only explore the walls of the monastery from the outside and bypass it from all sides.

It was widely famous for his unique library, which contains more than 3,000 vintage manuscripts and about 1,700 scrolls. Among them, these rarest texts of the Bible can be called, which were not included in the canonical publication, as well as the well-known Sinai Code, relating to the fourth century and found in the monastery of St. Catherine.

If you are interested in natural sights, then you will certainly need to visit the Park of Ras Abu Galum. This place is completely torn off from civilization, the park is declared a national reserve and is protected by the state.

For a very small fee, you can even get here even overnight, as well as a delicious dinner and in addition, fragrant hookah in some of the Bedouin families living here. In the park it is most convenient to get from a blue hole on a riding camel. It will take about an hour and a half time, but if you want to walk, then you will have to go any less than 15 kilometers.

Also, very many tourists, being on vacation in Dahab, enjoy an excellent opportunity and visit Jordan. The fact is that from here such a trip to make it very easy - you just need to sit on the ferry and literally in an hour of time you will already watch the amazing imagination incredibly ancient temples that are carved right in the rocks. And they are located right in the ancient capital of Jordan - in the city of Peter.

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