Should I go to Dahab?


If you remember the song about the "Golden City", then you can immediately understand that it will be about Dahab. The fact is that translated from the Arabic name Dahab just means gold. And in fact, this is a tiny Bedouin village, which is strategically correctly located between Taba and Sharm el-Sheikh.

It is surrounded by gold cliffs, and the sea here is an incredible bright aquamarine. That is, everything seemed to be on the postcard, and it seems like a mirage, but Dahab actually exists.

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This place is just as it were perfectly created for surfing, as well as for other sports for which the wind is required or depth. The wind is in excess, because for one day of the calm immediately there are 3 windy days. For windsurfing, there are constantly stable waves here, well, for beginner kayters there is a special "puddle" - small with a sandy bottom and with a stable wind.

Divers do not even need to go to the port to get out of the sea, like, for example, in Sharm el-Sheikh, because here they enter the water right from the Dahab waterfront. In addition, a beautiful coral reef stretched along the entire coastline.

Yes, and freedives call Dahab the best place for training at all throughout Eurasia, because literally a few meters from the coast they can dive immediately to 65 meters deep. Then in the local coastal waters, amazing visibility and practically no waves.

Dahab can be called a completely atypical tourist Egypt. Animation along with round-the-clock all inclusive remained in Hurghada and in Sharm el-Sheikh. In Dahab, animation represents life around. Literally a couple of minutes drive from your hotel in such a Bedouinsky district, as Assala begins essentially the real life.

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You can see how the network of local fishermen is dried here, and local bastouins in their white halabies and weathered in their white galabians and weathered by the sun and the heat of winter galabians immediately serve in the lavets.

In addition, Dahab is a very successful Egyptian base in order to explore all the surroundings, and even by the most advanced program. Here are undoubtedly Israel and Jordan, so that the strong spiritual tourists can completely drive in one day in Jerusalem, or in Peter.

Well, if you are not such travel extremal, you should be aware of the fact that the sights are enough here and nearby. This is primarily an ancient monastery of St. Catherine, where very strong energy and power of the saint.

Then Moses Moses, on which the Prophet in the old biblical times received from the Lord those of the Ten Commandments and then travelers meet the most beautiful dawn throughout Egypt. Then naturally a blue hole is such a kind of karst failure depth of 130 meters, surrounded by corals. Blue hole can be considered a place for strength and lust, both divers and freedivers. You should also not forget about the desert with dunes and canyons, about Bedouin tea with stunning grass of Marmaria and a large size of a large size of the stars.

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Then, only in Dahab you can feel the real atmosphere of international ridges of wintering, because about 300 people live here from various countries of the world - the British, Americans, Ukrainians side-side with Russians and advanced Egyptians from Cairo.

Children of local wintering people learn to swim before even walking, and instead of the alphabet, they have an atlas of the Red Sea Fish. As a rule, their parents live here, they work in dive, either in surf clubs, and also teach kaitsurfing, they rent their apartments in Moscow and are engaged in rental housing in Dahab. In the morning they do yoga, and in the evenings they drink Masala tea in the most beloved Indian cafe on the embankment.

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