What should you expect from rest in Aswan?


Every year, the city of Aswan in Egypt is becoming more and more popular especially recently by the tourist destination in this country. It should be noted that, perhaps, most travelers departing here for a comfortable beach holiday, mandatory allocate 1-2, and even more days to explore the ancient sights.

If you are in principle, you are interested in the history of Egypt and want to visit and learn the historical objects related to one of the most ancient civilizations around the world, then in Asouna, various excursion tours will be offered to your attention.

What should you expect from rest in Aswan? 34932_1

If you look at the Egypt card, you can see that the city of Aswan is located almost in the southernmost point of the country. It is located on the banks of the River Nile and is surrounded from all sides with palm trees, and also has its own fleet here.

However, in contrast to the northern part of this country, there is mainly a strong African flavor, because of the presence of Nubians here, who not only live here, but for a long time they have their culture, their traditions and their own language.

In general, Asuan is considered by the ancient Egyptian gates of Africa, especially since the city has long been famous for the rare view of granite, which is produced here and at one time was used for finishing work in Luxor.

The appearance of the city is truly pure African - all locals in it are mostly dark and thin, and besides, they are distinguished by original tastes in clothing. In the city itself, there are not many attractions, but in the vicinity there is a huge number of architectural and very ancient structures.

What should you expect from rest in Aswan? 34932_2

Also from Aswan, you can go on excursions to the nearby islands, which have preserved ancient temples and sculptures, and there can be a pretty unusual camel market.

In the same city, a pretty promenade of the Kornish was equipped, which is an incredibly pleasant place for unhurried walks. In the southern part of this embankment there is a hotel in which many famous people of their time stayed, including Winston Churchill and Agata Christie. The hotel is completely reconstructed, but still a terrace has been preserved there, on which these famous people were quite likely rested.

There is no doubt that every rest in Aswan must be made at least one water walk through the Nile, in the course of which he will be able to visit the most different interesting places.

If you want to completely penetrate the local flavor, it is best to rent a small boat for such a trip. But if you prefer after all the comfort, you should choose an organized excursion on a modern liner. One day journey on Füluga costs from $ 19, and on a cruise liner from 95 dollars.

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