Should I go to Genoa?


If you are a lover of ships, pirates, beautiful architecture, then you should visit the genome. Let's start in order.

Genoa is one big big port. If you are looking for a place where you go swimming on the beach, then Genoa will not suit you, only if you do not leave the city not a few kilometers, where beach expanses begin. In this wonderful city, there is the same galleon "Neptune" from the film Pirates Roman Polanski, which you can rise for 5 euros with a person and climb. Because this port city of course there is a ship museum, there are both the free section (quite large) with various paintings, models, views of the old town, and a paid section.

Old city. In the city there is a whole area in which rich, powerful merchants from all over Italy have ever lived, there is also a house in which Christopher Columbus lived.

Compared to other resorts, you do not swim in Genoa, do not burn on the beach (as I wrote earlier).

Pros are a huge number of private hotels in apartments, and because of this, you can find enough cheap accommodation.

Cons - just the absence of parking spaces.

Prices are about such as in all of Italy.

Is it worth relaxing in Genoa with children? I would not advise, according to Genoa, you need to walk, watch, not sunbathe on the beach that are missing there.

Is it safe to go to the girl alone in Genoa? I would not advise one trip at all, the highlight of the trip is lost.

Here is a couple of photos taken during my trip by Genoa:

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View of the galleon "Neptune"

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View of the business part of the city from the ship.

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