What excursions to choose in Cairo?


Very very popular among tourists in Cairo enjoy excursions to dams on the Nile, which are located in Katran. If you follow downstream from Cairo, then at a distance of 20 kilometers the Nile is divided into two decent sizes in size, as if forming a delta.

It is there that are the dams. To date, this is a wonderful example of civil architecture related to the Victorian era. They are decorated with decorative arches and more turrets, surrounded by shady parks and many small islets.

At the eastern end of Rette's dam, the Presidential Villa is located and there often, the Pier has an Egyptian state yacht. It is best to go here not on Friday, because on this day the area will be filled with tourists. You can get here by bus, or on the ferry from the pier, which is located opposite the television center building.

What excursions to choose in Cairo? 34905_1

Very often, tourists are visited from Cairo Hills Mukattam and Wadi-Digo. There can also be reached by bus. He will take you to a gorgeous suburbs. Middle-Mukattam, where villas and casinos are located. If you are planning to make an expedition to the desert while leisure, then in principle you can take several training campaigns near the foot of Mukattam.

In ancient times, travelers hired warriors to get into the so-called "stone forests", which are devoted to broken petrified remains belonging to the Miocene's era. At that very "big forest" today, you can only get on the guide, but lovers can quietly concerning the "small forest" on the Plateau Jebel El Hassab.

Fayum oasis is located approximately 100 kilometers in the southwestern directions from Cairo, and this is another great place in which you can distract from the urban fuss. You can get from the center to this green zone literally for half an hour.

Here you will see a lot of irrigation channels, and it was quite a major center during the middle kingdom, as well as Ptolemyev and, accordingly, in the Roman period, in what can be given to, watching the different ruins right around it.

What excursions to choose in Cairo? 34905_2

Until some, the ruins can only be reached on an uncomfortable road leading through the desert, to others you can drive up on a local bus or on a taxi route. Only then will still need to make a small walk already directly to the object itself.

In essence, the ruins of Kamentas are located near the road Fayum - Cairo. As a rule, these places are very deserted, which, of course, is a sharp contrast in comparison with the attendance of the Pyramids of Giza.

Well, of course, it is simply impossible, being in Cairo, do not visit Alexandria and the famous monasteries Wadi Nodrun. Beautiful Alexandria is located about 3 hours from Cairo. There can be reached by bus, which departs from the UBU terminal around every 45 minutes, as well as by train from Ramses station, or on a taxi route.

If you go to Alexandria through the desert, the road will pass by the turn on the monasteries Wadi Natrun, which in ancient times were the center of the spiritual leadership of the Coptic Church. If you get into the monastery not during a period of some post, then the monks will be welcomed there.

What excursions to choose in Cairo? 34905_3

Deer Al-Suriani and Deyre Anba Bishoy, who are located 10 kilometers from around the highway area are considered the most accessible to visits to the monasteries. This platform you will find approximately in the middle between Cairir and Alexandria. Alone to examine in one day the monasteries together with Alexandria will be pretty problematic, especially if you do not have a car and you plan to leave too much early.

It is also worth visiting the city of Canals Ismailia - very quiet and rich in green plantings, with beautiful forks and promenade belonging to the colonial era. This is a pretty place in which you can not only walk, but also ride a bike.

In Ismailia can be reached by bus next from the Turgoman terminal, or on a taxi route. Very often, Cairtans on their own transport drive to the resort town of Ain Serebi, which is located on Suez Bay - there are beautiful beaches and wonderful coral reefs.

If you also want to go there, then you should rent a car, then not to transplane the bus to the bus in Suez. Well, on Cairo in the southern direction, you can visit the Monasteries of the Red Sea - St. Anthony and St. Paul.

If you rent a car, you can easily combine visiting these monasteries with bathing in Ain Serebi. But you need to leave in any case early in the morning, otherwise you just do not have time to do everything in one day.

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