What interesting places should be visited in taba?


The main, perhaps the attraction of the resort of Taba in Egypt is the Island of Pharaoh, which is located at a distance of 8 kilometers in the southern direction from the city. On this island, the fortress of Salah-hell-Dina is the greatest interest.

To date, there is a museum. To bring tourists to the island, usually use a boat. Also, except for the most inspection of the museum, together with the fortress, then tourists are given the opportunity to strengthen with the mask and admire underwater landscapes in coastal inputs.

This fortress was built in the twelfth century by the Crusaders according to the historical chronicles, but before them there were defensive fortifications, starting with ancient times.

What interesting places should be visited in taba? 34875_1

This fortress guarded the boundaries of the so-called Jerusalem kingdom. And in the thirteenth century, she was conquered by the troops of Sultan Egypt, Syria, as well as other Muslim lands of Salah Ad-Din, which was more famous in Europe as Saladine.

Also on the territory of Taba you can visit the so-called salt cave. This is generally not a natural education, but rather an artificial structure made of the salts of the Dead Sea. Nowadays, this cave is used exclusively for therapeutic purposes. According to the allegations of doctors, it really contributes to recovery from such an unpleasant illness as asthma. On average, rehabilitation session lasts 45 minutes.

Also holidaymakers in the resort of Taba, if desired, can visit the Caudon, which is true located about 100 kilometers from the resort. This, by the way, a very picturesque canyon was formed as a result of a strong earthquake.

In fact, this terrain in general is completely lifeless, but on the walls of the canyon you can distinguish green, red and blue streak, although it is still mainly dominated by a more monotonous brown color.

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On average, the excursion to the caign canyon tourists costs about $ 50. However, it is necessary to prepare in advance the morally before a long ride on the jeep, which happens on the shaking road, and the last part of the path should be on foot. Well, at the end of the excursion necessarily a visit to the oasis for recreation and communication with local Bedouins.

Well, all essentially the rest of the sights are located outside the resort. This is primarily the mountain of Moses, on which the prophet received from God to the Ten Commandments, as well as the famous monastery of St. Catherine, which is located at the foot of the mountain.

The ride itself takes about two and a half hours and another three hours the process of climbing the mountain continues. Well, on the program, it is necessary to visit the monastery, the cost of such an excursion is approximately $ 35.

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