Holidays in Hanoi: Where to stay better?


If you arrived in the capital of Vietnam only to get acquainted with local attractions, take a walk through the city parks and enjoy the national Vietnamese food, the principle of 3-4 days you are enough to make up your own presentation about this city.

In fact, the capital of Vietnam is actually built in such a way that in principle you may not even be removed away from the city center, where the most visited and interesting places for tourists are located.

Here is such a category of tourists who come for a short time, recommended to settle in the city center or near it in order not to spend a lot of money on a taxi to inspect the city. As in any other Vietnamese town of Hanoi Hotel provides tourists a huge selection of rooms that differ in prices and in quality.

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However, before going to Hanoi, you can get accommodation for yourself in advance, since it is best to look for a suitable option in place after arrival means an excessive movement, which is not very desirable for those people who are limited to travel budget.

Although in principle there are such options that it is possible to remove the hotel on the spot. Housing prices in Hanoi begin from 10 and continue up to $ 50 - it depends on the remoteness from the center and from the level of the hotel itself.

Noteworthy and very interesting is the fact that in some hotels, Hanoi is even permitted to bargain. The fact is that many of them have no pricerants for their services with which you could introduce you to in advance, so the bargaining will be even appropriate here.

If you want directly with the go to immediately immerse yourself in the National Vietnamese culture, then you can advise you to stay in some hotel for locals. This type of hostels are usually designed exclusively on Vietnamese, and tourists there can be found extremely rare.

This is because there are signs on these hotels only in Vietnamese. And if you want to persist so to speak, in which the local population prefers to stop for the night, then you can find a signboard in Vietnamese on which "NGA NGI" will be written.

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There are many such inexpensive hostels in the capital of Vietnam. In essence, they are standard 2 star hotels, accommodation prices in which ranges from 10 to 20 dollars.

In principle, tourists in any case should not be removed from the center of Hanoi, since it is there that are all the most worthy places to inspect. When you will look for a suitable hotel in the city center for yourself, you should be very attentive and look around, especially when go on the road, since the road traffic in Vietnam is radically different from European.

Another kind of hotel in Hanoi is called "Khach San". They are more expensive, but better in quality. When you walk around the city, you will definitely see the signs that have the standard European name "Hotel".

It is noteworthy that in Vietnam very often called hotels of any kind of resorts. However, you should not buy for this trick, because inside, except for the most ordinary hotel, and the average level, you will not see anything there.

Since tourists take passports during the settlement in Hanoi Hotel, then it is necessary to look at the price per night in advance and very carefully, as well as the time of eviction. It is best if you immediately write the price immediately on the leaflet that you will announce the reception worker, and he will confirm it again, only leaves do not throw it out.

When you sit on one or two days, you can immediately pay for accommodation, but you will definitely take a check and keep it before departure from the hotel.

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You should also know that almost all hotels in Hanoi, even the cheapest, usually equipped with free Wi-Fi. The most interesting thing is that the cost of the hotel sometimes is directly proportional to the quality of the connection, so if you need a smart Internet for some reason, then you best choose the hotel in advance.

Also, if you are independently engaged in searching hotels through the streets, before sitting on, better ask you to show you in advance number and check for the presence of hot water, because in cheap hotels there are problems with this.

Then in some rooms often do not have windows and pay attention to this, because such a standard convenience as the presence of windows for some people plays a huge role.

One of the most attractive hotels in Hanoi can be called "Hanoi Hotel Royal". It is inexpensive in principle, although at a price above average. It is very beautiful here - bright and clean rooms, and even in budget rooms there are windows. Everything is very neat, and tea, coffee and snacks are included in the price.

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Then the very tasty breakfast is included in the same value - it goes on the menu and plus a buffet. In addition, it is worth noting that here is very friendly and attentive staff. This hotel has places where you can leave storage things.

And it is still very nice that the rooms have outdoor scales where you can weigh your suitcases before leaving and traveling to the airport. The hotel is located in a quiet lane to the lake of the returned sword walking literally about 7-10 on foot, and just 2-3 minutes to the bus stop.

There is another hotel inexpensive, which can also be recommended - it is called "Hanoi Cristina Hotel & Travel". It looks like the previous one, but a little cheaper and easier, but is in principle the same alley.

Its advantages can be called what the price for accommodation is cheaper, but at the same time the same delicious breakfasts, there are also where to leave storage things and also there are windows in all rooms. But there is also a minus here, because the windows from some rooms with balconies go straight on the busy road.

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