Rest in Dalate: Where to stay better?


In fact, all sorts of hotels, guesthouses and hotels in the Vietnamese resort of Dalat are not just a lot, but in general it is impossible and are located almost in every home. In this principle, there is nothing surprising because this city is one of the most popular resorts in Vietnam, so tourists here usually very much, especially in the high season.

Therefore, it is quite natural that the rooms are both in hotels and in Guesthouses Dalat can cost the price more expensive than in other Vietnamese cities. For example, for a good number on two people it will be necessary to post about dollars 20 per day, but this is only if you did not get into the midst of the tourist season or during the celebration of some national holiday.

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At such periods, the price of accommodation in the rooms in Dalat hotels is actually taken away to the skies. Therefore, the same number that can be removed for $ 20 will cost you at least 50 dollars. If you stretch, then of course you can, and you need, it may be possible to bring down the price. But it is not always possible, especially to the one that will be acceptable for you.

Well, in the off-season price of rooms in Dalat's hotels is quite adequate, because there are not so many holidaymakers during this period. And therefore, for a decent room in some of the Dalatian guesthouses, you can pay only from 4 to 5 dollars.

"Decent" means at least pure and light, cozy and also furnished with the necessary furniture with the presence of pure bedding and towels, as well as with a separate bathroom, then with a bathroom or shower. And in principle, what else needs to be tired travelers to rest after the day of complete impressions.

If you are going to go to Dalat from May to October a month, that is, when the rainy season is observed in Vietnam, then in principle, book the hotel in advance is completely optional. In general, tourists during this period are not so much here, and you will not be difficult to relieve a decent number.

The fact is that the booking via the Internet has another substantial minus, since not all hotels with Dalat Guesthouses have their own pages on the Internet. In this case, the World Wide Web cannot compile an exhaustive and complete list of all possible accommodation options.

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Well, if your trip falls on a high season, and even dedicated to some holiday, like a purely local or to the World New Year type, then it's better to book a room for yourself in advance, otherwise you may otherwise have you Serious difficulties either with a search of directly free numbers, or with their cost, which is exactly in such periods and increases literally at times.

In order to choose a suitable hotel for accommodation in Dalat, you must take into account the main rules - the closer the hotel will be to the center, it will be better for you. Naturally, the rooms in such hotels are expensive in comparison with those hotels that are located on the outskirts of the city, but you will not have any problems in order to catch a taxi, and then leave the direction you need. You will always find where to go to a snack and where to walk in the evening, and how to get to the sights of interest to you.

The most intelligence of the tourist area of ​​Dalata is the district of the central market, because it is there that the greatest number of hotels and guesthouses are concentrated. But if you still want to stop in secluded and quiet places, you can choose a hotel in principle and on the outskirts. In this case, all the necessary services can be easily obtained at the reception desk, but outside the hotel there may be certain difficulties.

There is one more such nuance - when you come to Dalat, then do not seek to shoot a room with air conditioning. The fact is that, in fact, there are not so many such numbers in the city, and secondly, they are much more expensive than ordinary numbers.

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At the same time, most likely that the air conditioner in fact you simply will not need, because in the Malat there is no exhausting heat. And at night, in general, in the hotel, it can even be even noticeable, so do not hesitate if you need to ask the hotel staff some extra blanket, you will not be refused in any way.

To actually the choice of hotels in the resort of Dalat is incredibly great and varied. Well, lovers of unusual places, such a light shade of madness and creativity must be resolved in the most unusual "Crazy Noise".

In fact, this hotel that is part-time is a museum, a cafe, art gallery and his house of his creator, is the real embodiment of surrealism. Inside it, the corridors bend under completely unthinkable angles, and the rooms are furnished with unusual furniture and here you are unlikely to find at least one window corresponding to the usual form.

And in general, the atmosphere of this hotel is more like something like most likely "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." When you go on the corridor, it seems that it seems that in the air you will see the smile of Cheshire cat in the air, and in the evening a crazy hawp will knock you in the room to drink a cup of tea with you.

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