Where to stay in Fukuoka cheap?


The Vietnamese Island Fukuok can be conventionally divided into areas according to their geographical position, that is, to the West and Eastern Coast, north and south and of course on the center.

However, division is very conditional, since the administrative device of the island is incredibly confusing and completely does not coincide with established, so to speak, tourist designations of places.

Therefore, the search for the hotel, apartments, hostels, villas or resorts will be directly dependent on what is the goal of your holiday, from your wishes and of course.

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Ganizau is a huge popular hotel complex located in the northwestern part of the island. To date, this complex consists of 5 hotels of different comforts, and the village with resort real estate is built nearby. Plus, accommodation in this area is a closed area, a private beach, a common guard, as well as a close location to the Amusement Park "Vincher Land" and to a safari park.

There is a shopping street here, besides the area is very well-kept and green, with all the necessary resort infrastructure, but on the territory of the complex. The minus is that from here far to the city and other entertainment.

There is a free bus that goes on a schedule, but in the evening, moving around Fukokuchka is already on a taxi that is decently expensive. Many tourists celebrate what is good here, but slightly boring.

The next area where tourists often stop are, called Kuakan. It is located in the area of ​​the river with the same name and the beach between Vinchal and the city called Zyongdong. Plus accommodation here you can call a large number of green forest resorts, in which you can settle in very attractive prices.

Such are, for example, "Chez Carole Resort" and "Fusion Resort Phu Quoc", as well as several others. The minus can be considered remoteness from the city and shops, as well as not a very successful public beach near. Therefore, in order to swim from here to go to other beaches or by taxi, which is certainly very expensive, or on the bike, which is of unusual for many tourists.

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The area called Onlang is a village along with the beach, which are 10 kilometers from Songdong. There are many resorts and several small hotels. The pluses include a clean beach, a completely calm and safe, which is perfect for swimming children and in any weather, as well as the fact that there are many cozy villas and bungalows, a lot of small restaurants and is generally very quiet and calm.

On the beach there are both stony areas and sandy. This area is a very popular place to relax with children, but it is not at all suitable for some noisy parties, as this is a quiet place, more intended for family holidays in nature, or a wedding trip. The city is in principle not far, but it is still to go to the center, you need to spend from 100 to 120 thousand dong. Restaurants and cafes are all closed here at eleven o'clock in the evening, and further entertainment has to go to the center.

Longbique is of course the most populated part of the island. This is a big area stretching 10 kilometers along the almost the longest beach of the island. There are hundreds of resorts, many hotels and here in principle are focused on all major island tourist institutions. Of course, it is here and boils mostly life. Conditionally, this area is divided into three parts - at the city of Zyongdong, on the South Longbic and on the Central Longbic.

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Zyongdong is the district of the capital of the island. There are a lot of Vietnamese hotels, guesthouses, as well as local restaurants, is noisy and fun. Literally within walking distance are night and day markets. Here you can find accommodation for every taste and wallet, many restaurants, shops and bars, and indeed here in essence, all night and day life is concentrated.

There is a museum, there is an old town, cafe, clubs, and so on. The minus here you can call the fact that there are practically no beach in the city, and river flows right in the sea, so a lot of dirt and garbage. In addition, a bunch of fishing boats is constantly present here, so you have to go to other places.

On the central Longbic, there are also many resorts and many expensive and good hotels. From here it is convenient to get to any point of the island, because it is easy to catch a taxi here. There is a great infrastructure, a lot of cafes and restaurants, travel agencies, massage salons and other institutions.

Of course, the beach is good here, but too popular, so there are a lot of tourists, and respectively garbage. In those hotels that are along the road, of course noisy, well, in those who far from it are more or less normal.

In the South Long Beach area, there is also a lot of first-class hotels with reshurats that have their territories. Many tourists believe that the perfect balance between the quiet beach and good infrastructure is observed in the area. But before the night and day markets, he has to get on a taxi.

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Not so long ago, on Fukuok, the area of ​​the new Long Beach appeared or, as it is called the travel agents "Novotel District", since here is a modern hotel connected. There is a very good beach and the territory itself is very beautiful. However, infrastructure is still not too developed here - few cafes and restaurants.

And prices in stores and in public catering establishments are of course in comparison with older areas of Longbic are overestimated. There is no public transport, so the city and attractions have to get to a taxi or on the bike.

Khem's tourist area is located on the eastern shore of the island. Here is the most famous five-star hotel "Marriott" and more "Premier Village". On the beach here white sand and sea here is very clean. This place is considered to be altogether with a luxury style. There is a high level of service, but the place is very removed from the center, there are practically no cafes and restaurants around, and in a high season there can be quite decent waves.

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