Holidays in Nha Trang: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Asian countries as a rule attract all our tourists with their exotic cuisine, as well as the combination as it seems completely incompatible components. Here it is necessary to remember first of all the famous Thai Soup "Tom Yam", which consists of such ingredients like Lemongrass, chili pepper, mushrooms and coconut milk. It most likely resembles some kind of witchcraft drug than the usual food.

In this regard, the popular Vietnamese FD soup is also a rather tasty and unusual dish. So we can say that Vietnam does not go far from their neighbors in this matter. As for the popular Vietnamese soup "FO", the only difference from Thai is that after him you do not feel as a fire dragon.

Holidays in Nha Trang: where to eat and how much does it cost? 34718_1

Also in Vietnam, "Earthy Eggs" are incredibly popular, that is, eggs with duck germs, but they must be baked in the ground. Then the Vietnamese still adore green mangoes with pepper and ginger candies with Scarlet. So we can say that they also understand the unusual kitchen, which our tourists may not always be understood and love.

Naturally, all tourists who fly to the nurse on vacation, seek to try the very legendary seafood, which at home we have very expensive, but in Vietnam (how travel agents are lured) alleged penny.

But immediately all tourists are essentially faced with two main problems. First, they are not so and cheap how to sign all this, these seafood. Well, then, in fact, they are very quickly bored, and I already want to return to our usual kitchen without any "Bourgeois Issists".

The first problem is very easy to solve - it is only necessary to know where exactly go to eat seafood and not disappoint a high price. As for Russian cuisine, it is presented in Nha Trang in very many restaurants. However, and here there is also a small problem, because in Nha Trang, as a rule, Russian cuisine is preparing too tasty.

And in connection with this, a huge number of tourists from Russia usually remain disappointed Vietnamese cuisine as a whole, because they do not understand to the end, where in fact the real traditional, and where is just a parody of her with such a claim for genuine.

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In order to try the authentic Vietnamese cuisine, you just need to go beyond the European tourist neighborhood. And then you will really be surprised in truly low prices and delicious food. For example, there is such a restaurant as Quan Chay Thien Nguyet, which is not too widely known in the tourist circles.

It is located right on the territory of Long Sean Pagoda - this is the one where the White Buddha is on the lotus. However, this restaurant is completely vegetarian, and there are nothing to do meat to make meat. But still for the sake of diversity in any case go there stands there. The bulk of customers here is the monks of the neighboring monastery, as well as visitors to Pagoda. But nevertheless, it happens that there are very respectable inhabitants of Nha Trang on very expensive cars here.

Basically, vegetarian foods with a Vietnamese bias are prepared here, but only instead of meat ingredients, it is customary to add mushrooms, soy and cabbage. But prices for food in this restaurant are really some of the lowest in the city, since a check for two here can do from 80 to 100,000 dong.

And it must be considered that you will not deny in anything. At the same time, try in this restaurant rice cake "Ban Bao" for 12,000 dongs apiece. There, instead of meat, the cabbage is used as a filling, so the cake is like that of our ordinary pies with a cabbage. But the atmosphere in this restaurant is incredibly modest, and in the role of waiters as a rule, monks are performed.

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If you want to eat the cheapest sushi in Nha Trang, then boldly go to "Wada Sushi & Ramen". Here the starting price for one portion begins from 20,000 dong. Also in the local menu you will find many diverse dishes, both Chinese and Japanese cuisines, ranging from the noodle "Udon" with pork and up to dry. The prices here are more than democratic, and the check for two rarely goes higher than 120-150 thousand dong.

And besides, in order to do this check, you can order 2 to 3 servings per each. The democraticity of these prices is due to the fact that the restaurant is not located in the most convenient place, not far from the CooopMarket supermarket 20 minutes walk from the European Quarter. However, you should know that the restaurant opens at four o'clock in the afternoon and earlier to go there much meaninglessly.

The only one, perhaps, the restaurant of all in which they are decently fed directly in the European quarter, called Nom Nom. You will find it between the second and third line opposite the Green Light House. We can say that almost all local Russian-speaking residents know this very well this place and willingly visit him to enjoy tasty pizza or great desserts.

For a large pizza here it will be necessary to post only 80,000 dongs, and Kaiki stand 300,000 dongs apiece. And the kitchen in this cafe is incredibly diverse, ranging from Thai and up to Italian. Prices here are medium, not such cheap, as in the previous cafes, but it is a wonderful hospitable atmosphere, there is a room with air conditioning and there is an open veranda, but on weekends and in the evenings there is live music.

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