Why is it worth going to the Haiphong?


The Vietnamese Highphon is in a generally unusual city, since here, along with the developed industry, the age-old historical temples and pagodas are still located. It is very great here you can spend your holidays with children. If you get tired of lying on the beach, you can easily go to visit the local biosphere park.

About the highland one can say that he is definitely considered the large industrial center of the northern part of Vietnam, and it was built on the banks of the Kinmon River in the place where she flows into the South China Sea. The city is pretty wide coastal zone.

Why is it worth going to the Haiphong? 34696_1

Since his population exceeds two million people, in the number of residents, he is already ranked third in Vietnam. Geographically, the city is located on the mainland territory and on several islands that are literally near the Halong Bay. Highland is certainly a large seaport of Vietnam, and also near him is Catby International Airport.

For standard tourists, Haiphone, perhaps, will not be the most interesting city, but it has a rather significant potential. It will be interesting here that travelers who want to get acquainted with the life of local residents, so to speak, to study the culture and mentality of the people.

Something Haiphone is now reminiscent of Hanoi, but ten-fifteen years ago. Here you can see a huge number of cyclists and motorcyclists, as well as buildings with typical colonial architecture, located on three-line boulevards.

Probably, thanks to precisely this architectural forms, Hyfon managed to preserve an ejacious light flyer of ancient. So stroll along the old part of the city to feel his atmosphere is simply necessary.

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Also, the Haiphone is very attractive as the fact that it is a very convenient point in order to start traveling to other sea resorts, which are especially popular - to the Halong Bay, Baitulong Bay and Kat Ba island.

So in this city it is quite possible to stay on a couple of days before you begin to inspect the Northern Vietnam. Especially since a large number of different routes - buses, boats and trains make travel from Heyphon economical and light.

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