Where to go to Kamrani and what to see?


The very first thing to be done, being on holiday in Kamrani, if you want to see how more beautiful places you can go, it is about to rent a byte. Well, then naturally explore all the neighboring fishing villages, mountains, valleys and wild beaches, for which every tourist is unlikely to get, even bought a ticket.

If you get tired of wheeing via expanses, we boldly jump into the boat and go to the bay near the Binh Hung Island, where you can enhanced in crystal clear water. It is only necessary to return home before sunset, in order to still catch fresh catch in fishermen to dinner.

Then it is certainly necessary to visit the small island of Binh Hung, which is literally not far from the coast. Only a tiny fishing village is located on it, and in essence, some foreign tourists look very rarely.

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Here in a floating restaurant you can pamper yourself with fresh seafood, and then you should rent a boat and go on a trip along the coast. In order to get to the island, you need to use one of the numerous ferries that are departed from the pier on the beach called Binh Tien.

The road here in essence takes no more than 10 minutes. In order to rent a boat at about half a day, you need to communicate with someone from the locals. Do not worry - with the help of gestures, you will be quite able to negotiate. You can swim here in very warmth of the sea, swim over the reefs, and naturally dine in the nearest restaurant seafood.

If you fall in love with this place, you can stay here for a longer period, for which you will need to stay in some of the domestic hotels. No prior arrangement here is not necessary - you will always find yourself housing and visit one of the most not tourist, but at the same time authentic places in this region.

Another place to be visited by, is Núi Chúa National Park. If you translate from the Vietnamese to Russian, then it will sound like "the place where the gods honor". When you arrive here, you will see that divine beauty is almost spilled here everywhere, because from the tops of the hills immediately open overwhelming views of the snow-white beaches and the Azure Sea, on the forest and gorge, as well as on the Annam Mountains.

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Walking around local beaches You will be quite able to meet wild turtles, and if you go to the depths of the park, then antelope, goats and even tigers. But, of course, to explore this park deeper, it will be necessary to hire a professional guide and go to the adventure for the whole day.

In general, local companies usually organize tours traveling at sunrise and strolling at the most beautiful places of the park, ranging from the caves with waterfalls and wild beaches, to viewing sites in the very edges of the rocks.

Also, a very interesting place is Clap Call, which is a rocky piece of land, protruding right into the Bay of Camran. You can get here on a steep and narrow asphalt road, which leads to the north right away from the famous highway of Nui Chua. In fact, this cape consists of some giant boulders, as if rising from calm blue water bay.

However, despite its stony nature, he is still all covered with greens, and the eucalyptus plantations are located on the hill here, which are inferior to the shady groves with mango trees and cashews on lowlands. Boulders and trees descend directly to the very edge of the water - where the waves are washed the smallest white sand.

You can travel in principle only on one road, but it is then divided into two branches - to the eastern and west. The East leads through the fruit gardens right past the white sandy beaches, of which the most popular is a bean paw, and a small village near Cape Mi-soup.

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Well, Western passes through a pleasant as it were, a sleepy fishing village bin paws, and then rises to another remote village, located in a secluded bay. So the best way to rent a scooter or on the extreme case of a bike, and on it to ride on fishing settlements, on fruit plantations and on beaches. The place is a quiet, very welcoming and at the same time incredibly beautiful.

One of the most beautiful coastal roads located in Southeast Asia is Vinh Hy-Binh Tien. Although it is in another province, but Camran is essentially an excellent base in order to travel on this route. This is a very picturesque, stretching at 17 kilometers a road along the dry forest and sparkling ocean.

In addition to the fact that this road is practically free from any movement, there are still many very well-positioned viewing sites, where you can certainly make a lot of beautiful photos. If you go on a scooter, you can stay along the way in some roadside cafe, then call on wild beaches and, of course, explore local villages, rarely visited by tourists.

Literally in the center of Camano, there is a very unusual pagoda built from sea shells. It is called "ừC Từ Vân Pagoda", and to its construction began in 1968. Well, she received her name due to the fact that the monks living here were collecting seashells along with pieces of corals on the beach, and then decorated with them literally all the free space on the ceilings and on the walls.

So, having been here, you can see a very impressive mosaic from seashells, and in addition to it also the BảO Tích Tower, which is outside the pagoda. The tower has a height of 39 meters and for its construction by monks was spent 5 years. So finally this process was completed in 1995.

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