What interesting can be viewed in Cell-Am-Ze?


Naturally the most beautiful natural attraction in the Name-AM-Zee is the Lake Clerk. This is a fully freshwater lake, comfortably located in the Austrian Alps. On its territory it is located in the federal land of Salzburg. Thanks to the name of the lake, actually he received his name, one of the most popular resorts of the region - Purpose of AM-Zee, located in a small delta of the river, which flows into the lake.

The lake is located at an altitude of 750 m above sea level and appeared there after the glacier convergence of more than 16,000 years ago. In winter, this lake completely freezes, and therefore is mainly used as a platform for various winter sports.

There are skating, and some of those who want to catch fish into the corruption. In the summer, naturally on the lake can be riding boats, as well as between the cities of the target-AM-Zee and the neighboring Tumersbach, ferries run. The driver in the lake is incredibly clean and perfect for swimming, although it warms it too much.

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Perhaps the most unusual architectural attraction of the resort is the so-called Rosenberg Castle. This building looks quite unconventional - he has corner square erkers that look more like built-in turrets, besides crowded and elongated tent roofs.

Since 1970, in this building, the city hall of the city of Mal-Am Zee is placed. But before this building was more known as Rosenberg Castle (by the name of its owner), and the garage and park are also included in this complex.

If desired, you can go on an inspection of such a unique natural attractions as Schmittenhee Mountain. This is actually an alpine peak, having a height of 1965 meters from the sea level. It is located almost in the central part of Austria. This mountain is towering right above the resort of the target-AM-Xee, which became popular thanks to the possibility of riding here on skiing.

All the slopes of this vertex have long been listed with landscaped ski slopes, and various levels of complexity. Climb to the top of this mountain. All vacationers can with the help of 6 funicular, as well as 9 chairlis and 7 more bougiel lifts.

On the mountain you can find a very pretty chapel of Elizabeth, built in 1904 in memory of the famous Empress Cyci. She was consecrated in September 1988 after the death of the government and timed to the tenth anniversary of this event.

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Also a real decoration of the resort is the church of St. Ipolyte. When the reconstruction of the church in the seventies of the last century occurred, there were suddenly two stones with unusual Celtic carved images in her North Crypt.

So this find may well indicate that the pagan temple was once located at this place. Some historians argue that Celtic stones are a symbol of the victory of Christianity over paganism and were molded into the foundation of the church. But still everyone converges to a convergence that the Church of St. Ippolyte was built on the site of an old monastery, which was founded in the second half of the eighth century.

So some features of this building are still preserved in this church. Well, the pearl internal interior of this temple can be considered a gallery with a beautiful parapet that support pillars made of precious marble. Also in the seventeenth century, a baroque altar was delivered to the church. Now his decoration is the two vintage statues of Saints Rupert and Vergil, created in the fifteenth century.

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Also in the resort should pay attention to the castle of an adjustment, which is a former hunting mansion of the princes of the Church. Now it hosts a comfortable hotel with 11 rooms. It is located a few hundred meters from Lake Clerk and from all sides is surrounded by a shady garden.

The very first mention of this castle is found in the documents of the beginning of the fifteenth century. Initially, its owner was Christian Pleser Rod from Podila. Well, then the palace crossed out of hand to hand. And only in the nineties of the last century, the residential mansion was turned into a hotel, and now it includes a private beach, a park, a golf course, a deer farm, a spa and even a helicopter landing platform. Also in the park there is a baroque chapel.

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