Rest in Graz: where to eat and how much does it cost?


If you want to try a truly national cuisine in Graz, then there are a variety of options for both cafes and restaurants. Prices in them depend naturally from the prestigiousness of the institution. If you are interested in a slight breakfast in the form of coffee, which is served here without fail with water, and baking, you will have to pay from 3.4 to 7 euros. Well, a full dinner varies by cost from 8 to 25 euros.

If you want to save, then you can say you can buy food in supermarkets, because it is always cheaper and much more profitable than, for example, to eat in restaurants and in a cafe. The most cheap in the city is considered "Hoffer" and "Lidl", and "Billa" and "Spar" refer to more expensive, however, they always have very steep temporary discounts.

In Graz, as in all Austrian cities, very large portions and besides, they do not regret the aromas, and they serve the dishes here in such a beautiful form that scattering at them immediately flows saliva. One of the unusual sights in food in Graz can be called fried chestnuts - Maroni.

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It costs about 3 euros such a large paper bundle in which we used to sell seeds before the grandmothers. And the kiosks with fried chestnuts are found at each corner. It is just worth warming that they have a very special taste - slightly sweet and nutty.

As for coffee, in the city there is a whole series of institutions of "Area 5", in which, when you come, then there are a stack of multi-colored pieces right on the tables. You sit down and choose - what option do you like more.

There are coffee with waffles, there is with pancakes, with toasts and sandwiches, then you put a tick on this piece of paper opposite the necessary additions from those that are offered there. This is certainly very convenient, however, you should have an elementary translator from German at hand, because everything is written in your native language.

It is also worth noting that sometimes very expensive judging by the appearance of the institution, have a very interesting menu with incredibly cheap prices. It is these ways that you will find near the stairs to Mount Schlossberg.

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The most famous coffee shops belong to the network "AUER". You can meet them everywhere, wherever you practically watched. There is "Hubert Auer", which are more expensive and "Martin Auer" - they are cheaper. You can also go to Tribeku, but this is a very popular place and there is always full of people.

A very good place is also "ManGOLDS VIS-A-VIS". There, in addition to wonderful coffee and pretty tasty beer with different snacks are still served by vegetarian food. In the daytime, find free space there is not a problem, but in the evenings almost all the tables are busy.

Another cozy coffee house is called "AROOM5", where a very tasty sandwich with a tuna. This is such a quiet place, where it is worth coming on Saturday morning on a light breakfast, well, on weekdays just to sit with friends.

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