What excursions worth visiting on the spit?


Greece is an amazing country. She is friendly to her guests, and the Greeks are hospitable and optimistic. While in Greece, you feel the warmth of the sun, the sea and the people around you. The island of Kos is completely follows the traditions of Eldla. Despite its small territory, the average density of attractions, probably the highest in the country. Kos is also called the island of Hippocrat and the Aegean Sea Garden. It is located between the islands of Kalimnos and Nisiros. The abundance of greenery and an exceptionally mild climate in combination with the ability to enjoy sunny days, almost all year round turned the KOS into a recognized international tourist resort.

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But this resort is somewhat peculiar. Territory of the island of 295 sq. Km. Is there a lot or a little? Intrusion is not very easy to imagine. Then, imagine a square with a side of 17 kilometers. This is the territory of the island of Kos. That's just he is not square, but pulled out in length 45 kilometers, from 2 to 11 kilometers wide. The major city is one - Kos, he and the capital of the island. Large - also loudly said. The population of the capital is about 15,000 people. To the rest of the geographical names, the "city", the name is more suitable - the village.

Now I'll go to the main topic of the story, excursions. Excursions here are three main types. The first is visible, throughout the island, with visits to some popular city attractions and cities. You will get acquainted, of course, superficially, with the whole island, to make an approximate plan for yourself, what you want to get acquainted in more detail. Second - excursions to sights. Everyone will be shown here and tell about everything. The third is targeted, it can be visiting the neighboring islands, continental Greece. Hold to this category and entertaining, like sea walks, etc.

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I will focus on the second type of excursions. I will say right away, vouchers are sold on the street, maybe there and cheaper, only it will be interesting to go with the Finns or, say, the French. I do not tell people who know several languages. For me, an excursion with compatriots, much more interesting. I will say about the security of excursions. Buses on which we traveled, all new, equipped with air conditioning. Drivers are professionals of their business, car traffic - for all the rules, there is no library, the roads are not loaded, there is no such thing as "peak hour". The price of excursions directly depends on the removal of an excursion object. I have already spoke about the size of the island, you can conclude from here yourself.

We drove into two, I will try to tell about them a little more detailed. On the rest of the mention, for general information.

The first is an excursion to Paleo-drank. This is the terrain on the island of Kos, often called the Ghost City. Here really, when it was a city. And it was the capital of the island. In the time of the Byzantine Empire, the city fell into decline. Currently, only the fortress walls remained from the city. According to legends, the colors of the ancient rulers of the island and the mythical king of Hamnil are preserved in the ruins of the city. Now the church of Stavros is built over the crypts. And built her blissful Christodula. Even in Paleo-drank there is the main shrine of the island - the church of Christ's phenomena. It is built in the 11th century. Here, the local residents often were Christ. Spring scored at this place, and a church was built on the hill. The spring is considered holy and healing, water from it does not determine years and helps from many diseases, but only in a compartment with a prayer.

The second excursion was in the fortress of Antimacia. This is also a very ancient building, founded her knights of the order of John. Inside there are remains of three Christian temples. In the days of the Ottoman Empire, the locals used the fortress as shelter and defensive outpost from the Turks and Pirates. Over the main entrance you can still see the coat of arms of the Grand Master of the Order of D'Misson.

There are still some interesting places where you can go on an excursion. This island Kalimnos, familiarization with the island is combined with a sea walk in the Aegean Sea, visiting the smallest village of Tigaki. There are others, but you need to choose there, on a friendly spit.

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