The most interesting places in Földen.


At the Austrian resort, Felden is essentially attractions quite a bit, but still some of the most beautiful are the very famous churches, as well as the luxurious castle of the same name, which is currently being turned into a fashionable hotel. Well, the most recognizable building of Felden is considered to be unconditionally casino, which was opened back in 1950.

From afar at the resort there is a majestic and very romantic castle-palace Felden, in which the luxurious hotel "Capella" is located. It is located on the western shore of Lake Verceree. The very first owner of the castles was Bartolomeus Kevtenhauller, who lived at the turn of the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries and belonged to representatives of one of the noble and influential families of Carinthia.

The most interesting places in Földen. 34621_1

Well, also tourists are usually very interested in the ruins of the Khchwarart Castle, which are often called the "black lock". It can be found in the southern direction from the village of Keschenberg. It is located on one of the rocky hills covered by the forest at an altitude of about 802 meters from the sea level.

Also, if you wish, you can go from the Felden to a tour of the Castle of Horozhervitz, built in the sixteenth century to obvious displeasure of Turkish invaders. In the middle of the valley, he is on a high hill and looks very powerful and impregnable. Climb upstairs to the castle is best on foot, as you are surrounded by constantly beautiful views, and you seem to penetrate the spirit of those times.

It is noteworthy that the castle today owns the same family that it built it. Probably, therefore, the fortification and now looks very well and inside there is something to see. There is also armor, and weapons, and paintings, and a lot of others. Right on your eyes, the master-craftsmen are made using the tools of an old sample, bodies, ex-in our ancestors.

The most interesting places in Földen. 34621_2

For example, you can see how the Kuznets is working in the castle, which manufactures the armor of the Swiss Guardsmen in our day. Moreover, the mechanization of all processes is missing here, and the physique of this craft is incredibly powerful. In principle, it is possible to descend from the top at the elevator, which is something like an attraction for extremals in its appearance.

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