Rest in Klagenfurt: Prices


According to the cost of food, Austria is quite ahead of its neighbors - Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic and even Germany. It is much more expensive here, so the locals try to save, as soon as they can, and for this are purchased in large network stores, and food is mostly prepared at home.

The most, perhaps acceptable in Klagenfurt are prices in the stores "Billa" and "Renny Markt". Therefore, it is best to buy foods there, and at the hotel must have breakfast. The fact is that breakfasts there are very satisfying and fed pretty pretty.

Well, as for the products, it will have to give 0.6 euros for drinking water with a capacity of 1.5 liters, a beer in tin cans litters costs 0.7 euros, and local wine, which is rare trash, for 0.7 liters Share two euros.

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Milk - 1Litr costs 1 euro, and fruits (apples, tangerines, oranges, bananas) for 1 kilogram - two and a half euros, vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage - 1 kilogram for 2 euros, but most expensive than beef and pork - For 1 kilogram, you must pay from 10 to 20 euros.

Since the summer is a high tourist season in Klagenfurt, then if you go there at this time, accommodation is essentially your main cost of expenses. Of course, the ideal option will reserve the hotel much in advance, for example, for six months. However, if you do not have such an opportunity, then nothing terrible, anyway, you can find yourself accommodation.

In order for you to navigate in prices, you should know that in a four-star hotel for the single room you will have to pay from 70 to 125 euros per night, at the hotel three-star per single room from 50 to 70 euros, and at Bed and Breakfast For a single room, you will need to lay out only from 35 to 50 euros per night.

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However, there are still options - in the Klagenfurt, it is very easy to rent accommodation, for example, at the locals. If you are at least a little talking in German, well, or at least for decency in English, then certainly try to do it.

The fact is that in these places, they will be happy to rent in short lease, almost any shed. Well, in general, there are a lot of pensions and apartments, as well as rustic and private houses, and their hosts are not at all against their work on tourism.

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