Visa to Australia.


In addition to the Australian Embassy in Moscow, there are also consulates in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.

Australian visa is relatively difficult to get. And the point is not even available all documents, references and spelling. Upon receipt of a visa to Australia, oddly enough, your connection with the country of residence is estimated. Too much wishing to stay in Australia, so the visa department is guarding.

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There is such a thing as "Visa Story" . So, if you have a pure passport, the chances of getting an Australian visa are reduced. Be sure to provide an old passport (if changed). Australia is an expensive country, and start to leave the abroad with it - it is strange for the embassy. It will be necessary to explain why this is your first trip abroad? Maybe you are defective? Not? Then collect a bunch of additional references proving your consistency. And if you are often traveling and you have full visas from other countries, another question arises: you are not tied to your homeland, it means ungaliable and you can stay in Australia.

Mention of the presence of relatives familiar in Australia will not benefit. Before you share this information, you need to know how these relatives familiar were there. Are they legitimate there are. Even if they immigrated 20 years ago, but they had some problems, in no case mention it cannot be mentioned, you automatically fall under a person planning to become an illegal migrant.

I will give a couple of examples. My cousin lives in Australia, when my brother was going to visit the Motherland Kangaroo, then issued this information. He thought it was a big plus and the probability of obtaining a visa grows. Not there was something ... You demanded an invitation to what he replied that he was not going to be dependent at his sister, confirming his reference from the bank. The visa was denied. If we retell the formulation of the refusal, then the meaning is approximately so - it is not clear why you do not enjoy the invitation of a relative residing in Australia. In the near future, he plans to serve a second time, but now with an invitation. And the other my friend was denied a tourist visa with the wording "You Travel Too Much" . So wrote. It turns out that she, for the last year, a couple of times left the abroad for a long time, here in the embassy and concluded that it was not tied to the place of residence, and it means that she does not hold anything in her native country.

All this wrote, not to push someone from this country. Australia is a place where it is worth visiting! And necessarily yourself! And in order to be warned. After all, it is still better to study on other people's mistakes, isn't it?

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