Best time to relax in the bar


The best time for recreation in the Montenegrin resort bar is certainly considered places like May, June and of course September. During this period, the air temperature is installed on a pleasant mark of + 25 ... + 27 degrees, and the water is on average from 20 to plus 23 degrees.

However, in these months in the evenings, it may be a little cool, so it is worth capturing with you a little warm things. Tourists, as a rule, at this time is not very much, and all this has a reason for a very comfortable stay. August is considered the peak of the season, the people this month is neuroran and, moreover, it is simply unbearable heat.

But Montenegro is incredibly rich in fruit, and almost all year round. Kiwi, tangerines and oranges are sold in the markets in the markets, approximately in early May, the strawberries are sold at a price of 1.5 to 2 euros per kilogram, a cherry for 2 euros per kilogram and a little bit later apricots, watermelons, peaches and figs appear. .

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Oddly enough, but in the winter in Montenegro, there is also a fruit abundance. For example, a lot of persimmon and at this time its kilogram costs only 0.7 euros. Then tangerines, grenades and apples are sold here, and all the fruits are local with the exception of bananas and pineapple. In general, at any time of the year in Montenegro, any fruits can be purchased, which soul wishes.

In July and in August months, the bar is unbearable heat and the air temperature reaches from plus 37 and almost up to plus 45 degrees, while the temperature of the water is kept at + 26 degrees. However, at this time in the resort is a real woman. There are so many tourists that sometimes it seems that their number even exceeds the number of local people.

All beaches are scored under the urban, and in all public places you can constantly meet crowds of people. When you come to the beach, it seems that people do not leave there, and they sleep right there, because in whatever time you have come, all places are busy.

But in September in the bar costs incredibly comfortable weather. The heat already falls, and the sea is still warm. In the afternoon, the air temperature is on average holds at a mark of + 25 degrees, but in the evening there is already a slightly cold and can descend to a plus of 12 degrees. All September and almost until mid-October in the bar you can safely swim and sunbathe.

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However, the local residents themselves and especially women, despite the warm weather, are already trying to fit into some boots and fur vests. So do not be surprised if you come to the beach in slippers, and you will meet, so to speak "insulated" local resident.

But autumn is out of doubt is the most favorable time for excursions. The fact is that the main part of the attractions is still open for tourists, but there are no crowd of people there, and prices are several times lower. Even housing in the fall is offered at a very tempting cost. Starting from October of the month and at all you can quite remove the decent apartment for 300 euros per month.

In addition, you should not forget that autumn is the season of Kiwi, persimmon, tangerines and pomegranates. Moreover, you can see that they grow literally at every step, and it is even not clear why the Montenegrins themselves are lynch them. So when you walk in the fall, you can attend tangerines or figs during a walk.

Spring in the bar is incredibly wonderful time because everything starts blooming and the city literally slows down in greenery and in flavors of flowering plants. The street heat does not drive anyone else, but the sun is slightly accuming and the day can be quite enjoying the beauty of nature, sitting in a cozy cafe on the seashore.

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In March and in April, the air temperature holds all the time on the mark from Plus 14 to plus 20 degrees, well, in May, it's already much warmer - from plus 20 to plus 25 degrees. At this time, Glicinia blooms in the bar, which incredibly raises the already wonderful mood, and also reminds that the summer will soon come.

In winter, the bar, as in all other Chernogorsk seaside resorts, comes lull. To do here, of course, nothing at this time. And since, especially in February, heavy rains may begin, therefore the city is completely empty. The air temperature holds at a mark ranging from plus 12 to plus 14 degrees, however, in some years the air temperature can be descended and for a minus mark. In principle, snowy anomalies are completely atypical for Montenegro, but it happens that they happen.

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