Crimea is the best holiday in my life!


Usually we go to rest with the whole family, but in 2012 we had a little anniversary - 5 years from the day of the wedding and our grandmothers took grandchildren to themselves, letting us go to the warm Crimean Sea with friends.

Must admit, it was the best rest in my memory. Everything turned out spontaneously, so in advance, as we usually do it, the housing was not booked. But we are big lucky, right at the station we shot a small house with one grandfather in the village of Fish, the beach is literally a 10-minute walk away. Yes, and at a ridiculous price, only 10 hryvnia per person, however, the huge minus of this gift of fate, the conditions (shower, restroom) in the yard.

Naturally, I did not really have time to unpack things, moved to the beach, plunge after the far and rather tedious road. The weather was wonderful, the sea is warm, the water is transparent and surprisingly clean beach, these are my first impressions. On the way back, we chose a cozy cafe, where at a reasonable price is very tasty.

The day passed quickly, and by the evening the embankment was revived, everything shines everywhere, almost with every cafe live music, beach parties, disco in mini clubs, karaoke, different entertainment, a lot of people, mood rises with each step of approaching the evening embankment.

But this is not all, it is simply impossible to abandon numerous excursion offers. For one day we visited Yalta, Dolphinariums, a very beautiful botanical garden and on the bear grief. I myself come from Riga, but we had to leave at the end of the eighties, when the excitement began in the Baltic States, so some of the narrow streets of Yalta reminded me of my city of childhood. True, it must recognize that prices are significantly higher there than in the coastal villages.

In total, ten days of our holiday flew not noticeable, in the morning the beach, day excursion, and in the evening Drive. We did not refuse themselves, rested on a complete coil and everything about everything about everything, spent about 1000 dollars.

I can say with complete confidence if you want to get a lot of positive and unforgettable impressions it is not necessary to go for the tried lands, as the cat said from the famous cartoon about the parrot Casha: - Tahiti, Tahiti, we are well fed!

Crimea is the best holiday in my life! 3439_1

Crimea is the best holiday in my life! 3439_2

Crimea is the best holiday in my life! 3439_3

Crimea is the best holiday in my life! 3439_4

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