Big, powerful, beautiful city


In Rostov, I arrived at the night international bus. Overall on the old bus station (spring was 300 rubles / day - I did not find cheaper).

No wonder it is called the Gate of the Caucasus - from here there is a lot of public transport to various Caucasian republics and states. By the way, the overwhelming majority of Rostov drivers of minibuses are also Caucasians.

After three days spent, I can say that Rostov is big, beautiful, powerful and certainly interesting for the tourist city. Traveler has something to see where to walk where it was inexpensive to eat and spend the night. It is convenient to move quite conveniently - full minibuses, as well as there are buses and electric transport.

Wood on a large garden, the embankment, the Armenian Quarter of Nakhichevan-on-Don, proceeded and from the outbreet of almost the whole city.

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Big, powerful, beautiful city 3438_2

I enjoyed visited the railway museum - it is located at the station Gnilovskaya, and you can get on the train or bus.

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And even rolled on minibuses to Azov and Nov Cherkhassk - suburbs of Rostov - and picked up on local attractions (and they are there!).

I took a lot of photos from the city and the desire to come again. Rostov I really liked. And you come.

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