What should I see in Kolashin?


One of the most interesting attractions of Kolashin is the Morach Monastery, which is located in the Valley of the River with the same name in the central part of Montenegro. This is one of the most significant Orthodox Serbian monuments located in the Balkans belonging to the period of the Middle Ages. The monastery consists of a whole complex of buildings, which includes a large church of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, as well as the small church of St. Nicholas and several more buildings, as well as monastic celi.

The monastery itself was founded in 1252 by the son of the Great Serbian Prince Vukan II. However, during a raider of the Turks in the fifteenth century, the monastery was not only ruined, but also destroyed, so it was possible to restore it only by the end of the sixteenth century. Of particular interest here are frescoes and very valuable icons.

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In the architectural style of the monastery, you can see the style and elements of the Rasie school - this is a single-meal structure, which is made of stone, and the external features resemble a romance style. Despite the simple exterior exterior in the monastery there is an incredibly luxurious interior decoration, especially the icons that are the best copies of the Serbian and Byzantine wall painting.

In essence, Kolasin is a very small town, besides widely known as the ski resort. He has a very modest square, and in connection with this attractions here are essentially a bit. The central square of the town is considered the most popular area, where they come to the promenade not only a few residents, but also all tourists.

Almost all the square is expelled with a wooden paving, decorated with small reservoirs and fountains, and they do not freeze, so they work even in winter. Also on the square there is a historical museum with interesting exhibits on ethnography, history and arts, as well as a very peculiar building of the city mayor's office.

Also in Kolasina, you can visit the Morach River Canyon - this is an amazing place in which the road is broken right in the rocks and laid along the river bed. In some areas of its path, it rises quite high and then passes through numerous tunnels, and the cliffs are closed here to access the sun rays.

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When moving along this road to the north, you can see on the horizon of the hats of mountain peaks covered with snow. Well, on the other hand, it is directly high in the mountains a narrow-chain railway, laid through many bridges and as many as 130 tunnels. She in general connects the Black Sea coast of Montenegro through Podgorica with Belgrade.

This canyon is considered the second in depth all over the world. The height of some rocks in separate places reaches up to 1200 meters, but the size of this truth is significantly inferior to the Fish River canyon located in Namibia. After the road comes out of this river canyon, it continues along the line of the River Tara. You can get here on the flight bus from Podgorica to Kolasin, but you can go on the train, just need to get acquainted in advance with the schedule.

The next very interesting natural attraction located next to Kolashin is considered to be the Biograd Mountain - this is the National Park, which occupies a territory of 54 square kilometers. It is located on the spurs of such a mountain range as Byeisitsa. This is not only the largest reserve in Montenegro, but it also has the status and pan-European.

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These lands were donated in 1878 to the ruler of Montenegro by the prince of Nikola Petrovich after they were freed from the Turks and then declared the princely reserve. Well, the title of National Park of this territory was assigned much later - in 1952. The park has unpretentious wealth of untouched nature - a virgin relict forest, mountain rivers, burly in tesnins, snow-white mountain peaks, the highest of which is the Chrna chapter and fantastically beautiful mountain lakes.

All this at first glance amazes and admires every tourist, which is not indifferent to the greatness and beauty of nature. The most beautiful and largest in the park is the Biograd Lake, but besides him there are some more small lakes. They particularly look at the time of bright autumn, when the foliage is the lighted foliage on the mountain slopes of blue water stroit.

A lot of pedestrian routes were laid in the park, for which you can come to the most secluded corners and there to watch the fabulous variety of local fauna and flora. Right on the territory of the park there are several Orthodox churches, including the famous Morach monastery.

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