Rest season in Groningen. When is it better to go to Groningen on vacation?


It should be noted that the seasons in Groningen do not differ much among themselves. For example, even in the winter time you can notice how people are sitting in the cafes on the street, and many just walk, and the children are driving on bicycles, well, and beautiful ships go through the water. On the streets is always crowded, but of course in the summer there are more people when students and schoolchildren spend all the time in the fresh air.

But prices here hold on the same level almost all year round. On the market, which is located on the main square, in any season of the year on Tuesdays on Saturdays you can always buy fresh vegetables and fruits, cheeses and controverses fish and seafood. So give some season preference in Groningen is very difficult.

Rest season in Groningen. When is it better to go to Groningen on vacation? 34255_1

Of course, summer is an excellent time to visit Groningen just because at this time a pleasant weather reigns, birds sing and the city is drowning with a thick lush greenery. Well, a fairy tale, and only. And then you can always rent a kayak or boat for years, and ride the lake or on the river, or on the channels.

You can sunbathe near the water right from the morning, but it is better to go early, because the locals occupy a place closer at the water. Then in the summer, many different festivals often passes, for which a large number of inhabitants come from other cities. In general, in Groningen in the summer, there is a huge number of different active events. The air temperature in the summer months is incredibly comfortable - from plus 20 to plus 26 degrees.

Autumn also does not bring Groningen anything special - it is also worth a great weather, only the autumn fascinates with its charming paints. The weather is very warm and the autumn itself is very long. Although it becomes slightly cooler, the air temperature on average holds on the mark + 15 degrees, and closer to winter plus 5 degrees, but all the time sunny and in October it is even very warm. The highlight of this season is the market hitting the incredible variety of all sorts of types of crops, and at quite adequate prices.

Rest season in Groningen. When is it better to go to Groningen on vacation? 34255_2

Spring in Groningen begins early, that is, February-March. The daily air temperature is immediately rising to the plus of 18 degrees, and at the same time it holds steadily at + 5 + 10 degrees. It is very sunny weather, although there are noble rains periodically. Spring is an excellent time, because it is then the locals leave their homes and go to the gardens and parks and suggest beauty in the city after the winter.

Then we must not forget that spring is the season of tulips, and not only in the famous Kokencof Park, but also almost all over Holland. You can safely ride bikes, but keep in mind that people on the streets will be much more. Spring is beautiful also by the fact that tourists during this period are not so much as in the summer, so you can enjoy a relaxing rest.

In winter, Groningen is also beautiful - the weather is mostly solar and the air temperature is more likely to be plus than minus. The lowest air temperature is observed at night - minus five-minus seven degrees. And the strongest frost, which happens during the day - this is when the thermometer column shows minus 1 degree. But it also happens that a plus temperature is held for several days. There are rains, and it happens that there is snow, which in two days will melt. Therefore, probably, the citizens are very rejoiced, because it has become a very rare phenomenon in these parts.

In general, the roads and sidewalks in the city in winter will usually be dry, so in principle you can move on bicycles. In November, the season of Christmas preparations and Groningen becomes fabulous from the abundance of decorations and light garlands. Well, festive fairs with their famous mulled wine and cookies create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the city.

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