Holidays in Groningen: how to get there?


Groningen is located in the northern part of the Netherlands, while the administrative center of the province of the same name. And also it is considered one of the most large cities in the kingdom. Well, of course, it is not enough that this city does not have wonderful communication routes.

In essence, Groningen with the help of several modern highways is connected to other cities of the country and with other countries. The railway message is perfectly organized here, and even there is a small airport. But there is no big airport here, and the one is used for very rare flights of some low-cost airlines.

For example, it urgently can be flown into Spain. Quite the famous Lourogenant "Ryan AIR". Therefore, tourists usually fly to the nearest convenient airport, and already from there by train, or the car gets to Groningen.

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One of the most attractive ways to get to Groningen is a flight through Dusseldorf. There you can fly as a direct flight from Moscow, or from St. Petersburg and docking with a transfer through Moscow. Recently, those who are carried out by Aeroflot and S7 airlines are considered the most favorable flights. This also applies to the time of departure and the cost of the flight.

After you arrived at Dusseldorf Airport, you need to get to the city's main station. To do this, you need to go down and sit on the train, and literally after 7-11 minutes you will find yourself at the main train station Düsseldorf. The fare at the train is 2.7 euros.

The second very unusual option to get to the station is a trip to the monorail train, which is of course the dream of any child, and adults, perhaps, too. It will be very fast and at the same time very beautiful. To do this, you need to rise by two floors above after you hit the arrival zone. You will need to simply navigate the Sky Rain pointer.

Here the ticket costs from 2 to 3 euros. After you get to the end station and get out of the car, you will need from about 5 to 7 minutes to go down to the train platform. You can, of course get to a taxi, but it will cost about 20 euros, so in any case it is more convenient and more profitable to reach the train.

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Regardless how you arrive at the main train station Düsseldorf, you can use the wonder-miracle here, which is located at each station and tell you how to get to Groningen from here. The machine is essentially talking in several European languages, so do not worry if you do not know German.

It may be the way with three transplants by rail, or it can be the "train + bus" option. Such a trip can do you from about 39 to 62 euros, and approximate travel time is from 3.5 hours. In this case, you can significantly save if you buy a railway ticket online in advance.

It is also possible in principle right at the airport on the platform S on the same machine to choose the direction of Groningen and it will offer you options without the need to go to the main train station Düsseldorf. However, options in this case will be much smaller, and the time on the way will be at least 5 hours. The easiest option is to rent a car at Düsseldorf Airport and for two and a half - three hours in black roads with beautiful views to get to Groningen.

You can also fly from Moscow or St. Petersburg to Amsterdam direct flights with many airlines. However, note that the cost of the ticket will start from 150 euros. Well, in Amsterdam, you just need to transfer to the train, and in 2 hours he is dominated by Groningen. A train ticket costs 25 euros, or you can renger a car again.

You can get to Groningen and through such a German city as Bremen. But there are no direct flights there, and those that exist providing transplants. On average, two and a half hours from Bremen, and on any type of transport you can get to Groningen. However, first from the airport you will need to get to the main station.

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This can be done on a tram at number six, which run every 10 minutes and the fare there is 2.75 euros. From lavar station, of course, trains go to Groningen and there you can buy a ticket. Trains often go and with the help of automata you can not only buy a ticket, but also to choose a convenient route. It can only be trains with transfers, or "train + bus". The duration of your trip in this case can be from 2.5 to 3 hours, or even more.

If you wish, you can take a bus from the airport, it goes about 2 hours, and the fare is 21 euros. Well, of course, you can take a car for rent, and then for one and a half or two hours you will calmly reach. The advantage of travel movies after the airport is that you have a great opportunity to make a walk around the city.

If you want to make a heroic feat and ride from Russia exclusively on trains, then the journey will take about two days, and the minimum ticket price is about 250 euros per person and this in this case, if you buy tickets in advance.

There is also an opportunity to get from Russia to Groningen by bus, but here it is impossible to even predict how much time will take this way, because the bus, God forbid, can break on the road, and maybe you will expect a surprise in the form of a long expectation on border. Well, then do not forget that a long seat on the bus can negatively affect your health and mood.

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