What is the hotel to choose to relax in Limassol?


The Cypriot resort of Limassol is essentially immediately from several districts and several beaches, while some of them are far beyond the city itself. Therefore, it is quite natural that from how successfully your hotel will be located or apartments will greatly depend on your holiday.

You should consider the fact that in some search systems and also booking hotels with accommodation during tours of tours, many owners of Limassol include its remote areas, which are actually located for tens of kilometers from the center of the resort. Therefore, so that you are absolutely sure where your place of future accommodation is specifically, it is worth checking it directly on the map and on sites, as well as reading reviews.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Limassol? 34141_1

Almost at the resort of Limassol, the best places to choose the hotel and the tourist area itself - all this is located along the coast, so the rest is best to stop here. This tourist area stretches along the entire coast for as many as 10 kilometers. And there are many city buses along which adults can be very easy to move for only 1.5 euros, well, children under 6 can drive for free.

The zone located next to the Molos embankment and Marina is also considered the most center of the city and also a partition place. However, there are no beaches at all, but there are a pleasure street and in general the embankment itself, all city attractions, car rental, travel agencies, restaurants, shops and other travel infrastructure.

So, if these factors are more important for you on vacation, and not beaches, and you agree to pass a couple of kilometers on foot every time, or passing them on the bus (car), then the center can quite definitely approach you. Then there are the most budget options for tourists and also there are hostels.

As a disadvantage, it can be noted that this zone is the most dirtiest and most skid in the city. In the evening, all sorts of different suspicious personalities can be blindd here and there are often large groups of young people from the poorest countries in Africa and Asia, well, and there are no refugees. Also another inconvenience is a very small amount of free parking, and this is very important if you rent a car on vacation.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Limassol? 34141_2

If it is more important for you on vacation, it is more important to be as close as possible to the sea, it is better to settle in that area where all city beaches are placed. And in fact, they begin immediately in the place where the embankment ends and they stretch almost continuously for many kilometers. Urban beaches here are essentially a lot, but the best and most equipped among them has been considered to be Dasoudi Beach for several years, so if possible is best postponed near him.

However, in general, wherever you stay in this area, you will always be actually within walking distance from the furnished and free city beaches. As for the infrastructure of the tourist, then in principle there are everything here, but of course, as it removes from the center, it will certainly deteriorate.

In addition to the urban feature itself, in the resort of Limassol, it is quite possible to stay in the tourist areas and on remote beaches, where there are hotels and there is at least some tourist life. There is much more peaceful atmosphere and in connection with this places are ideal for a serene rest with the whole family, or for older people.

For example, far from Limassol next to each other in the cozy bay there are two beach - Governor and Kalimnos. In general, the clear boundary between them does not exist. Literally near them is a developing residential tourist area, which is more famous from the locals as a "village".

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Limassol? 34141_3

There is a fairly decent number of immigrants from the Russian Federation, which are owners of their own real estate. So tourists have the opportunity to settle here not only in hotels, but also in rented accommodation in their compatriots.

If we compare with the city center, then this is a very quiet place, practically a village. It is nice that there are no extra people, especially refugees and migrant workers, as well as representatives of the poor Africa and the Middle East. There are two of these beaches at a distance in 25 kilometers from the Limassol itself.

But then there is free parking here (if suddenly you will rent vehicles on vacation). This can be reached in principle on the city bus at number 95a, which runs here in the midst of the high season. So you can stay in the city and on this bus come here to the beach if you wish. He has a very convenient schedule, so you can come early in the morning to the beach, and then return in the evening.

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