CHAMYUVA - cheap and angry


Every corner of Turkey is unique in its own way, and everyone can find what is more suitable for him. For example, Chamuva Beach in Kemer is definitely not suitable for those who do not like bus rides (this is for people like me, which is constantly changing :). The fact is that this resort is located far away from the airport (hour and a half by car), and riding on the ridges of mountain roads is just torment. Whether we really are not lucky with the driver, or everything is so bad, but I died with something very very much.

The hotel Chamewa Beach itself (so to speak the regional hotel) is very small, but the cozy, it is not necessary to expect a lot from numbers, they are a little cutting, but nevertheless Akuratoy and clean (actually it is more important for me than a dirty but super-new number ). On the territory there is a small swimming pool, more precisely, the frog, and the dairy slides intended for children. There is also a tennis table and a couple of swing. Hotel Chameweva Beach is not on the first coastline, so lovers from the room-to the sea should choose such hotels such as Wit Lillium. The beach is pebble, so the children will hide and the apiary will not build, but in the evening the water is warm and crystal-clean. By the way, the beach offers a beautiful view of the hills ...

In the region, there is nothing to do in the region, to the nearest so to speak of the district center for about 30 minutes on the minibus. For lovers of fur coats and sheeps there are trips to Antalya to the factory sewing of the skin. Item. I advise you not to buy a tour among Russian excursions if you really intend to purchase a new clothes. The fact is that the vendors of the excursions will be simultaneously your caretakers in the factory and translators and guides. They will show you only what is profitable to them, and it is for the money that is beneficial to them. It will not work out on their own. So if you have to go to the factory yourself, the local you will easily tell you how to get.

Outside the hotel there is nothing to do, there are small markets, but the prices are excavated there, since in principle there is nothing nearby. Although, there is worth buying ice cream on Magnum Pistachio Fistashkovoy in Chocolate!

If you have a lazy vacation, choose the hotel 5 * Ol Inclusion, so that it is on the hotel, otherwise you can die from boredom :)

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