Tips for those who are going to a cold river


In the people of the village of Bagripsh, most often called a cold river. However, the climate in this region does not correspond to such a serious name, since the rest here will be very pleasant and very convenient, and many tourists with completely different needs. Family people love to relax in this village because of his silence and incredible rest.

Local residents here are essentially a bit, mostly there are guesthouses and hotels in which you can stop, and then the sea here is very warm and very clean. In general, resting in a cold river for everyone costs much cheaper than at other more popular resorts of Abkhazia. So the best solution for budget recreation near the sea will be the trip to the cold river.

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The village actually has very modest sizes and is located in the middle of the original nature. On all tourist sites and on the forums you can see photos of the village of Bagripsh in Abkhazia. On all sides, it is surrounded by a picturesque forest massive, which meets olendra, relic pines, beech, then cypresses and some other trees growing exclusively in the south. Next to the village flows the Bagerts River, as well as there are mountains and ravines.

In this region there are several very beautiful canyon. The sea in the village area is not only very clean and transparent, but also has a wonderful gentle entrance. That particular places are incredibly convenient to relax here with children, because they will be very comfortable to observe.

In the village there are several beaches that are covered with small pebbles, and they are quite enough to feel the entire incredible charm of the Abkhaz climate and get a bronze tan. However, the most popular beach is still located on the territory of the boarding house under the same name with the village name "Bagripsh".

The territory here is very well maintained and it has all the relevant infrastructure. There is a restaurant with wonderful Abkhaz dishes and local wines, there are several inexpensive cafes on the territory of this beach and the discos is on the evening.

So lovers of dancing and stormy nightlife is boring here there will be no. Then, if you suddenly become boring here, then if you wish, you can go to the wild beach, located outside the village, which is called white rocks. This beach received its unusual name due to limestone rocks with bizarre forms of animals and maritime residents.

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White cliffs are essentially located about 5-10 minutes walk from the village itself, so it's incredibly convenient to get here. Here you can go fishing, polit the mussels with shrimps, or just sunbathe. Also here you can arrange very interesting photo shoots, because incredibly beautiful views are open from here. People on this beach usually happens not so much in comparison with the territory of the Bagripsh pension, so you can relax by your company in full silence.

In the village you can find housing in the private sector, or just settle in some of the boarding houses. Rest in the village of Bagripsh is well suited to family people, as well as those tourists who are looking for privacy. There is no doubt that the newlyweds will be comfortable here, since no one will interfere with them in their honeymoon. However, there are no special entertainment in this village, therefore, for attractions and adrenaline, everyone usually goes to Gagra, which is not far from the village.

So mostly the village of Bagripsh (Cold River) is intended for inexpensive holidays and for the improvement of the body. In local boarding houses and health resorts, you can pass the course of preventive procedures. You can also strengthen your immunity with hiking outdoors. It should be borne in mind that the air, which is saturated with iodine couples and many microelements, is very helpful to cope with all the complications of respiratory bodies and with predisposition to colds.

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It is also incredibly useful during rest in Abkhazia there are marine fish and various seafood, because they are inexpensive and they will satisfy your body with all the useful substances. Also, do not forget to enjoy both local fruits, especially since during the holiday season there are especially many of them.

If you wish, take rent a bike and ride it around the neighborhood. Still, cycling is not so tedious, like walking walking, so you are without any difficulty, inspect all the interesting places in the surrounding area.

In the territories of boarding houses and hotels, there are appropriate entertainment structures, and they are completely accessible to even those tourists who do not live in these institutions. For example, bowling or billiards can pay separately tourists who simply come to the data of the pensions. Well, if it becomes boring, then at any time you can go for entertainment and on sightseeing in the nearby city of Gagra.

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