What interesting can be viewed in a cold river?


Attractions in the Abkhaz settlement Bagripsh are essentially a bit, and one of the most significant are the dacha of Joseph Stalin, which is called "Cold River". On her appearance in this place there is one local legend, where it says that the leader of the peoples saw the place that he really liked and where he decided to build a dacha for himself when he sailed him on the ship. Stalin also liked the species and nature of this village, which, by the way, still attract tourists to relax in these places.

Stalin's cottage was built in the thirties of the last century, but what is noteworthy - since then its appearance has not changed absolutely. And both inside, and naturally, there were no even cosmetic repairs outside here. However, due to the soft climate of these places, all the materials are perfectly preserved, so tourists have a wonderful opportunity to see the rest of the rest of the leader's peoples exactly as it was in the lifetime of the "leader of peoples."

What interesting can be viewed in a cold river? 34047_1

Similarly, the territory on which this famous building itself is actually located, has not changed at all since then. Only quite recently, in its appearance, some minor changes were made. For example, instead of the old asphalt road, a stone was recently laid, which naturally looks much better in conjunction with the local unusually picturesque views.

It is also noteworthy that during the construction of the cottage and for a long time after it, there was a very thick and beautiful orange grove. But unfortunately, after a recent harsh winter, the bulk of these plants extinct. Therefore, only local vegetation is now on the decoration.

The road to the country runs through an extraordinarily picturesque resort area, and tourists await not only an interesting tour of the dacha, but also a pleasant walk along the very picturesque neighborhood of Bagripsh, for which there is actually a huge number of travelers.

Another attraction of Bagripsha is considered the dacha of the merchant Isai Silina, which was built in 1909. The fact is that during his business trip to Persia, the merchant found his wife himself and just for her he ordered to build this huge and very rich house. After the revolution, the Ritsa sanatorium was located in one of the buildings of this estate. However, now this room is completely abandoned, so you can safely go inside it, climb the roof and inspect literally every corner of this former mercenary estate.

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From the roof offers stunning views of the surroundings and the sea. So you can make surprisingly successful panoramic photos. To date, there is a lot of abandoned places in Abkhazia, which in previous times were the property of the country, and now they are simply considered an architectural heritage. Therefore, the Cottage of the merchant Silin is also no exception, because in its appearance, it is very much reminded of the palace and looks great surrounding the tropical nature.

Lovers of natural attractions and hiking are certainly necessary to go to the joker gorge, located near Bagripsh. There are a lot of plants, trees and colors. The mountains here are practically completely covered with the brushes and a variety of greens, which is only capable of growing right on the stones. At the bottom of the gorge proceeds by a mountain river called Jequvor. In Russian, this name is translated as "12 springs."

The gorge begins the trails, following which you can go to the North Caucasus. However, this campaign takes several days, and then tourists usually go there with a conductor and in complete equipment. So it's best to go here along with the group and with experienced instructors who will help you overcome the complex areas of the road and tell a lot of interesting stories about the local places.

What interesting can be viewed in a cold river? 34047_3

After in 1940, a very serious flood has happened in this gorge with human victims on the river was built Dam. Next to her is a sentigious tower with which the situation with the river is controlled. From it can also be engaged in the search for lost tourists. So believe me - you will be remembered for all my life as an exciting adventure This excursion to the joker gorge.

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