Where can I eat in Venice? How much money to take money?


What to try?

Italian cuisine is considered one of the best in the world. Uncomplicated in the preparation of dishes from simple fresh products - it captures from the first spoon. The kitchen of the Veneto region, whose administrative center is Venice, was influenced by various cultures and traditions - not in vain Venetian merchants brought recipes for new dishes and unusual products for this terrain. So, thanks to the merchants in the Venice Republic began to actively use cloves, coriander and cinnamon, and a little later brought and began to cultivate rice, beans and corn. It was them that became the basis of local cuisine: they prepare a pool (porridge from corn flour), various soups, risotto. In general, Venetian cuisine is a combination of ingredients of various regions: here are local vegetables, and brushed spices, and beloved by the local dried cod - Bakkala. Popular here and vegetables, especially those unusual for us, like White Asparagus and the Red Trevisansky Radikkio - a variety of coastal salad. The latter is baked on the grill, cooked in soups or with rice, or acts as one of the ingredients of salads.

In the Venetian cafe, it is necessary to try this carpaccio, initially appeared on the world here and named after the artist Vittorio Carpaccio. Carpaccio is a dish of the thinnest pieces of raw meat, which was drilled with parmesan cheese and sprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned with oil.

Where, as not in the city, from three sides, surrounded by sea, should seafood should be trying? In Venice, they are freshest: only catchy oysters, sordanks, crabs, kefal, shrimp octopus. The restaurants serve an analogue of our oars - the local ZUPPA Di Pesce soup, Risotto Nero - rice, rich in the ink of Caracatians, crab cutlets and Caracatin with corn porridge.

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Venevian dish - Fegato Alla Veneziana, or calf liver with olive oil, spices and passioned onions, Sarde in Saor - Sardines marinated in spicy bow, spices, vinegar, grapes Kisi and pine seeds, RISI A BISI - Rice and peas Boiled in chicken broth with ham and herbs and parmesan sprinkled. Also in the menu of local restaurants there is a smoked ham. Prosciutto San Daniele, marinated anchovies and risotto with seafood.

The very first Italian dessert that comes to mind is a tiramisu. Extremely calorie cake made of soft cheese mascarpone, Savoyardi cookies, or "Lady fingers", whipped cream and coffee impregnation with Roma ranks first place of the desserts of the Veneto region. By the way, it is here, in the town of Treviso, that north of Venice in the middle of the 20th century and this one of the best modern delicacies appeared. In addition to Tiramisu, the Christmas Cupcake Pandoro, Lemon and Walnut Donuts of Fritol, as well as cookies from the corn flour dsaleti, are extremely popular in Venice. Sweets will fall to taste cream-fitt - cakes, fried in deep fryer and filled with custard, sugar biscuits Baikola, cookies with almonds Fregolatt and purely local delicacy - violets in Sahara.

Where there is?

Cafe Al Arco

Just a couple of minutes walk from the bridge Rialto, in the San Polo area, there is a small one - several tables inside and somewhat outside - Cafe Al Arco. The cafe is famous for its traditional Venetian snack - Chicketney. Chicketney is sandbrokes with cheeses, vegetables, fish and even fruit in various combinations. All the freshest, just purchased on a ricketto market. Prices are also pleased to please: Breakfast for two will cost 15 euros.

Pizzeria Antique Formon

Also in San Polo, like Cafe Al Arco, a little away from the Rialto Bridge, there is a pizzeria antique form. There are no tables here, all food is sold for removal. Prices are very and very pleasant: one piece of pizza will cost 3 euros. The choice is not bad: fifteen species of pizza - and classical margarita, and pepperoni with acute sausage salami, and pizza with cheese and spinach.

Pizzeria Al Anfora

Locals say that the most delicious pizza and paste you can try in the pizzeria of Alfora, located near the station Santa Lucia, on Leaf Bari. The place is extremely popular with Venetians, and the pizza here is just huge sizes and unusual to taste. The hall and the green courtyard of pizzeria is always full of people, sometimes even have to wait. Prices in Al Anfore are quite democratic.

Confectionery Tolo Tulo

Located on Piazza Martyrie, house 34, famous for more than a century history, confectionary Tolo Tulo will delight all sweet fans. Brioši, cakes, chocolate and other confectionery products - and, in the best traditions of Venetian cuisine - all the freshest and excellent quality products.

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Restaurant Algybagago

The Algubagio restaurant is located on the very shore of the Venetian lagoon and is famous for extremely romantic views with an open terrace of a restaurant. The cuisine of the restaurant should be interior and species - very exquisite, with beautifully decorated dishes. It is necessary to try scallops and shrimps under delicious sauces, carpaccio, pasta with tuna or lobster. Desserts in Algubagio are as delicious as the main dishes: a stunning gentle tiramisu, a tart lemon sorbet with a basil, very elegant flamber pancakes with berries and chocolate, a cake with nuts and orange cream. Prices in the restaurant are not low: the average check 70 euros. However, dinner in Algubagio under the moon over the dark lagoon with charming views of the luminous, elegant Venice will be remembered for a long time.

Cafe Florian

Cafe Florian is the most famous cafe of Venice, located in her very heart, on San Marco Square, house 29. The most popular, the most famous, which has long become a symbol of the city, here loved to taped Byron, all the famous people of their time were noted here - Goethe, Rousseau , Dickens, Proust, Modigliani, Hamingway, Stravinsky, Brodsky. In a cafe several rooms: the hall of the Great people with portraits Marco Polo, Titian and others, the Hall of the Senate, decorated with paintings on the topic of progress and civilization, the Chinese Hall, the Hall of the East, the time of the year and the Freedom Hall. In addition to the great people who have been here and exquisite interiors, Cafe Florian is famous for its prices - here they are just translated.

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