Useful information about the holiday in Venice. Tips for experienced tourists.


The most convenient way of transporting movement in Venice is a river tram. He walks on the Grand Channel regularly regularly. The fare is 7 euros, regardless of distance, but tickets sell only worth 14 euros (respectively in two sides). River trams are sent from the Revolution Square (this is where a large bus station and several paid parking lots) and float to San Marco Square.

Useful information about the holiday in Venice. Tips for experienced tourists. 34019_1

The stops are located on both sides of the Grand Canal, while the route of movement is designed in such a way that when driving to San Marco, the tram moisters to one stops, and returning back to others. That I found out by chance. On the way back, we wanted to go out at the ka 'd'Oho stop (CA' D'Oro) and closer to explore the palace. But the river tram calmly sailed in the direction of the next pier, although when moving in the other side, the stop accurately did!

Once mentioned about parking, I will say the following. In the area of ​​the Revolution Square there are several underground car parking. But they have an unacceptable payment method if you come to Venice for one day. Hourly payment is not considered as an option, only the whole day is paid! And the cost of one day in underground parkings is from 25 euros.

Right on the square, next to the bus station, there is one fairly large outdoor parking. True, there are almost always busy space on it. The cost of only 1 euro / hour, payment is made in one of the automata, the tumbler falls on the dashboard (the end time is indicated). But the most interesting thing in this parking lot. The car can only be left for one hour! The machine is just more than one euro does not accept. Such a short-term parking lot. If there is a desire, you can run out of the city and renew every hour, but in fact it is impracticable (San Marco Square from there is far). The police are clearly followed by compliance with the time regime and immediately discharge the penalty. We, in particular, under the wipers of the windshield left "Hi" for 100 euros. We, however, did not pay it, but this is already a completely different story.

In order not to fall into fines and do not pay too expensive in underground parkings, in Venice there is another option to leave your car. Immediately for the Mestre (this is a suburb, where ordinary people working in Venice and the airport) are mostly living, while entering the bridge through the Bay, turn into one of the turns to the right. There are many small protected parking lots, leave the car on which is much cheaper. You can get from Parking to Venice on foot, moving the bridge (but it is about 1.5-2 kilometers). It's easier to get to any of the buses, the benefit of the passage to you will be offered to buy employees of car parks.

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The practical result is: 4.5 euros for parking + 5.2 euros per bus for two.

All the favorite theme of the acquisition of souvenirs. So, in no case should you buy souvenirs in stores on San Marco Square. Prices are very high here, 1.5-2 times, and it happens more. Although, if you do not have much time, you also have no choice. Well, or if you do not think the money. Moreover, there is a positive side: the choice of souvenir products on San Marco is very interesting. In the same place in the square, near the tower, there are several street shops. The earliest sellers are very vigoring to themselves, but the products offered by them are of such poor quality that even simple viewing is noteworthy. Not to mention the fact that prices there are also not completely thrusted.

Souvenirs cheaper can be bought on the Baza Market next to the pier of the river tram. But the choice here is very monotonous. It is best to go away deep into the city and there to be like shopping bags. Firstly, you will be pleasantly surprised by prices, and secondly, it is in such stores that you can look like something unusual, which you will not see anywhere else. You just often sell those products that yourself make. So to speak, exclusive.

Riding for gondolas. With gondolors to bargain, in principle, you can. But I got the impression that it was useless. As a result, it turns out that it seems to be boring, it seems to be going to meet, it seems to be a discount ... But at the same time, 100 euros for a walk on the gondola take me out yes! Something like this.

There are several private bridges in Venice. I really do not know how it happened, but to enter them, sit down and was prohibited. This is all the corresponding signs.

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Interesting moment. In Venice there is a Tax Free Return Point. Although there are several of them in the city. But only one is noteworthy: you can get money in it. without customs seal ! Simply present a check "Tax Free", passport and need any bank card with relief figures (as they say "No Electron Card"). This is due to the fact that the employee of the item to identify your card holds the plotter on it (special roller). Money issues in cash, but only in Italian checks. Located not far from San Marco Square, on the opposite side of the Basilica, a little behind the Archaeological Museum, on Calle Larga Ascensione Street. Externally similar to the usual exchange point of currency, and money, in my opinion, also change there.

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