What is interesting to see in Mussere?


The village of Musser or how else is often called local inhabitants of the Torah is located in the Gudautsky district in the Republic of Abkhazia on the Black Sea. It is about 8 kilometers from the nearest settlement of Pitsunda, and it is located on the territory of the wonderful Pitsundo-Mussersky biosphere reserve.

So, as soon as vacationers fall here, they are literally dumbfounded, struck by a stormy combination of marine with mountain air and a nine clean greens of forests. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that it is in the area of ​​Abkhazia that the most famous villas and sanatoriums are located.

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Of course, the Muessers State Reserve, which was founded in 1934 and has an area of ​​about 4,000 hectares, is considered to be the most important attraction. The reserve is essentially divided into two parts, and one of them is located in the Gagra district, that is, in Pitsunde, and the other in the Mussery mountains in the Gudautsky district.

It should be noted that many plants growing here have long been listed in the Red Book. If the Pitsundsk part of the reserve is mainly engaged in relict pines and a samshet grove, the Mussership part has a more mountain surface. This part of the reserve is located on an elevation in the zone of the subtropical climate. Here are growing plants such as the oak of the Iberian, heather tree, the sickness of the colchis, Caucasian freezing, Lapina, the root, strawberry tree and many others.

The second sign landmark of Musser is the boarding house, which is located in the picturesque valley of the biosphere reserve. It stands in a stunningly environmentally friendly place right on the coast and has its own artesian well, and also has its own beach. It is noteworthy that next to the boarding house on the Black Sea shores there is no nearby locality and highways. The boarding house was built in 1982, and in 2007 there was a major overhaul. The boarding house has its own pebble-sandy beach, and a robust groves occupy most of its square.

Also nearby are the ruins of an old temple, which was built allegedly in the eighth-ninth centuries. They are located at the mouth of the Ambar River. The ruins of this ancient temple, picturesquely tightened by greens, will be a great place for an exclusive photo shoot.

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In the eastern part of the village rightly on the Golden Beach there is a small local ethnographic museum, which is located on the territory of the tourist base "Golden Beach". This museum has another name as the Abkhaz Dvor. Here, anyone can get acquainted with the most interesting exhibits and get an idea of ​​the life and the national characteristics of local residents.

Also nearby are the village of the two famous villas, one of which belonged to the leader of the peoples of Joseph Stalin, and the second - Secretary-General Mikhail Gorbachev. Dacha Gorbachev today is actually turned into a mini-hotel, and the night there can be done about a hundred euros, which is quite inexpensive for European standards. Tourists can get into it either with an excursion, or having agreed with the protection. Near the cottage Stalin, a botanical garden was laid in ancient times, and therefore very interesting trees and plants grow there.

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