Rest in Kyndeja: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.


To get to the Abkhaz Resort of Kindyg, you must first of all to navigate the country of the country by Sukhumi. If you prefer to fly there by plane, then you will note that the nearest airport is in Sochi, and more specifically in Adler. Next, you can get a few options - for example, from the airport to get to the train station in Adler on some flight bus in 30-60 minutes.

When you arrive at the railway station, pay attention to the Adler-Sukhumi train, which goes only in the summer, and the cost of the ticket there is 400 rubles. There is still a train "Moscow-Sukhumi", where the cost of the ticket will be about 600 rubles, and the time on the way is 5 hours, and one hour of them will be fully paid to the border crossing.

Rest in Kyndeja: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 34011_1

Well, of course, it is worth understanding that further Sukhumi did not go to the train or trains. Also from the airport to the border with Abkhazia on the PSOU River, you can easily reach the bus number 173, paying for a ticket 19 rubles, or on a minibus at number 40, which goes only in summer with a ticket cost of 40 rubles.

The time on the road is only 30 minutes, well, and then move over the border in this case, you will have to walk. Already on the Abkhaz side you can take a bus or bus. Also at the airport in principle, you can take a taxi that brings you to the place in Abkhazia, which you need. But on the border you may have to transfer already to another car. The cost of such a trip to Sukhumi is approximately 5,300 rubles.

Kynddyig village is located 30 kilometers from Sukhumi towards the border with Georgia. So from Sukhum in the direction of Kynddiga, you can rent only on some kind of vehicles, for example, by Sukhumi-Ochumchira bus, on a taxi, or perhaps you will be met by car already the owners of your holiday destination.

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Some tourists prefer to go on their own car on vacation in Abkhazia. Here it is necessary to take into account that the main portion of the path you will run on the M4 highway called "Don" and in the way you will expect two complex areas. The first is located in the Voronezh region in the area of ​​Losevo, where incredible multi-kilometer cars are constantly accumulated, and the second portion of the path is 200 kilometers of mountain serpentines awaiting you on the Black Sea coast.

The first of these areas of the path is best to pass after midnight and up to 7 am. Well, in front of the second sector of serpentine along the Black Sea coast, it is best to relax, because it is very tense. Naturally, they can expect traffic jams and on the border itself.

The longest time of crossing the border is about two hours, and very closely checking everything from the Russian side, and with Abkhaz, very often the cars are not browsing at all. But after the border, you still have to drive about 160 kilometers along a very smooth road and the time in the way you will take about two and a half hours.

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