Where to eat in Pitsunde cheap?


Of course, in Pitsunde, first of all, you need to try traditional Abkhaz cuisine. As a rule, it is represented by dishes prepared on the Mangale, local fish with seafood and of course fruit. As in any kitchen in Abkhazia, there are also its own characteristics - these are primarily fragrant, sharp sauces and spices. And these are the most acute sauces, usually prepare from very unusual for Russian cuisine - Barbaris, Tomatoes, Alychi and even sometimes from grapes.

About fruits can be unambiguously say that in Abkhazia they grow almost everywhere. If you're even something on the street and scratched randomly, then it is most likely either a blackberry bush, or a hazelnut. Therefore, here you can nourge fruit insert, especially since prices allow. These are primarily grenades, Feichoa, persimmon, grapes, tangerines, blackberries, nuts, and so on.

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We must definitely try in Pitsunda Abkhaz cheese, there are several types of them here. It may be a Suluguni, and a soft curd cheese Ahacha, and a soft arabic cheese Achayr and of course the delicious Ashwadza - smoked cheese. These prices are tentatively amount to 200 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Then it is necessary to try such a traditional Kushan family for these places like Mamalyga, which is based on fresh porridge prepared from corn cereals or flour. As a rule, Mamalyga is resulted in a certain way hot on a wooden board, or in a bowl. On top of this hot porridge, pieces of Suluguni home cheese are usually put. Mamalygu is taken by hand and at the same time sculpt in a sharp sauce made from beans, garlic and acute peppers, sometimes meat add there. The dish is pretty tasty and very unusual, and costs from 100 to 300 rubles.

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Of course, you should not forget about the very famous Abkhaz Khachapuri. It is a cake of a thin gentle dough, and filling inside can be salty homemade cheese. Khachapuri served certainly hot, but when you order it, then you will note that it is pretty a big pie and it is enough to feed it right away. There is such a dish from 150 to 300 rubles.

In Abkhazia, there are a large number of species of fish. Since there are many different reservoirs, then marine, and river, and lake fish are also presented. Be sure to try the river trout, which is baked on coals, or on the grill. This is an incredibly delicious fish - such that they are simply "fingers losing", and in particular, if you also catch it my own. You should also taste a drum - marine fish with a gentle meat, from which it is generally impossible to refuse. The cost of such a portion ranges from 300 to 500 rubles. Through attention, Black Sea mussels, shrimps and oysters are noteworthy.

Meat Locals prefer to cook on a spit. It may be lamb, and beef, but it is even less likely and pork. Meat dishes Here it is customary to serve with sharp local sauces, which have an unimaginable number of recipes - tomato, alchov and white sauces with spices and herbs, well, of course, you should not forget about the traditional Abkhaz acute adzhika.

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Also to dinner and for holidays in Abkhazia, it is customary to serve wine. According to tradition, it should be red - very rich fragrant wine, which is usually prepared from the grapes of "Isabella". Usually, many locals perfectly know the formulation of preparation and technology for the manufacture of such wines, and all the hosts are usually treated with great pleasure, and also tell the stories of creating this wine.

Then grape vodka is very popular in Abkhazia, which is called "Chacha" here. In addition to home wines in Abkhazia, you can find a lot of wines, which are produced at the local factory. These are widely known with us "Lohry", "Apsnie", "Rada" and so on.

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Moreover, if hereby their cost begins from 170 rubles per bottle, then in Russia they will have to cost from 370 to 450 rubles. It is not worth buying wine in street shopping tents, because there are very often the most real fakes, presented in the form of grape cake, which is diluted with water and alcohol, and flavors are added there.

If you want to eat in Pitsunda inexpensively and without harm to your health, you can go to the territory of Pshada in the dining room "Amza", which is located near the market in the heart of Pitsunda. Also, it is not bad to eat in the dining room "Delicious" - it is a cafe in pine, which is located right on the Tropican beach.

To the middle level here refers to the cafe "Teremok" - it is located in the pines on the shore of Tropican and then the Bar "Abaata", which is located near the ATS building in the village of Pitsunda. But too expensive elite institutions at this resort you will not meet, because mostly all of them are designed for tourists with an average.

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