Which hotel is better to stay in Pitsunde?


If you love to relax in noisy and warship cities, while spending the evening under the intense screen of discos, who even merges into a common caitorium, so that there are many rides and crowds of people in the resort, then you can hardly choose to rest to Pitsundu . This resort is more suitable for a quiet and measured, in something even a relaxing holiday, as well as for enjoying nature, air, climate, silence and sea.

Of course, in Pitsunde, you can face a sharp contrast of the beauty of nature with the damage and poverty present. Here in the local landscapes you can see how abandoned houses abandoned without glasses and dilapidated buildings of sanatoriums together with the famous ever fish, as well as new buildings of modern hotels - and all this on the background of the majestic mountains and the magnificent sea.

Which hotel is better to stay in Pitsunde? 33961_1

To a great regret, the time always takes his own, so the old Soviet heritage is destroyed, while the tile is cracking on the facades, and the Liana will tear these the most ruins of buildings, well, new structures are built not so quickly as they wanted.

People live modestly and not live here, so mostly they earn in the season on what rent housing and trading, when they are selling what they have grown or have prepared. However, all of them are extremely very kind and try to help in everything, and often even completely disinterestedly.

By nature, the Abkhazians are very welcoming and hospitable, they are constantly ready to tell everything and show, treat wine and everything that grows their gardens. Therefore, very often holidaymakers who settled at someone from the local owners once, then come here every year, well, they meet them as the most expensive relatives.

On the territory of Pitsunda there is a lot of sanatoriums, who were inherited after the collapse of the USSR. But since in that period, this resort was a healthy importance, then not only elite came to rest with amendment, not only the elite, but also the first persons of the state, the famous artists, scientists, writers, and therefore all the sanatoriums then quite correspond to this level.

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The resort is located the largest health-heard pension called "Fir Rosch", which has a very well-developed area and a modern comfortable 10-storey building. Then there is a sanatorium with its own hydrophic called "Sana", the comfortable pension "Litfond" and, of course, the most recognizable pension "Resort Pitsunda" in this place, consisting of seven-seven-storey buildings, which rise along the coastline and essentially became visiting Pitsunda card. They have been met for more than 50 years, and there are also tourists from all over our homeland.

Even the living conditions since those long-time time improved, although it should be said that in 2013 a major overhaul was carried out there, but the interior decoration was already practically covered with dust of times. In general, these highlights can be said that they are a bright sample of Soviet architecture, but in combination with very spartan living conditions. But they have a certain plus, since all these famous corps are located right on the seafront, that is, between him and a relict pine grove, almost on the beach and there is a stunning view from the windows.

Also, it is also quite well to settle in the boarding house "Musser", which is the former Sanatorium of the KGB of the USSR. Its square occupies 16 hectares and is located in a very picturesque and wind-protected valley near the sea almost on the protected area of ​​the Pitsundo-Mussersky biosphere reserve. Well, next to him are the former state cottages of Stalin and Gorbachev. If you are looking for yourself, find yourself completely isolated from the entire outside world. The corner is just what you need.

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However, it should be noted that in recent years in Pitsunde, a pretty decent number of new hotel complexes, which have modern numbers, ranging from a standard level to super suites. Moreover, in many of these, there are not only rooms with a high level of comfort, but also with their parking lots, gym, cortes and pools.

For example, this option for accommodation is the Dolphin club, which has its own sandy-pebble beach. The Irene, Iceberg, Aspara and Palma hotels will be slightly more comprehended in the level - they are located in the village of Ledzaa and have quite decent conditions for living with low prices.

You can also settle the recently rebounded Cottage complex "Pshada" - there are cozy modern houses and very democratic prices. Well, a significant plus of accommodation here is the undoubted proximity to the beach of Lzaaa and there is some kind of own dining room. Rightly, private houses are very comfortable for a very friendly family, which are designed mainly to unassicular tourists, they are surreated throughout the season and are located in Ledza village.

Prices are derived here, ranging from 400 rubles per room for two, but the convenience will be on the street, or from 1000 rubles per room for two, but with amenities already in the room, with a system of air conditioning, with a TV and a refrigerator. Of course, there are also copies intended for more discerning tastes and for greater budget. Alternatively, you can simply take and rent a turnkey house, designed for a company from 5 to 10 people at a cost of 400 rubles from one vacationer.

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In general, we can say that in Pitsunda itself, as such, there are not so many places to stay tourists, because there are mainly apartments in five-story buildings. Well, the private sector together with hotels focused more in the nearby picturesque villages. So literally a few kilometers from the center of Pitsunda, Ledza village is located, but this is often called local residents, and visitors are much more often called his Lidzava. This is a very quiet and very cozy corner, which is located right in a pine grove on the seashore. In the same pine grove, travelers who came to relax on their cars with tents are often arranged.

Further, the Ledza village is located the area, which is called Fish. Despite its well, not a lyrical name, there is a very wide and very extended sandy beach, well, the private sector consists of five-story panel houses and very small private houses. Immediately on the shore there is a small car camping, where fans of a tent recreation are liked.

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