What time is it better to relax in Pitsunde?


In essence, Abkhazia is certainly beautiful absolutely at any time of the year. But the main season is of course here are the summer months, well, and the velvet season falls for September and October. At the beginning of summer, Abkhazia is certainly perfect - at this time the magnolia is blooming and you can admire huge white flowers and feel the wondrous fragrance. Water in the sea in June will be still a little cool - from plus 19 to plus 22 degrees, however the sun will already be absorbed and literally a few days later you are guaranteed a golden tan.

The average air temperature is kept at a mark approximately in plus 27 degrees in June. Of course, the cafe still did not open everything, but those opened, they work not yet fully. Yes, and on the beaches there are still a few, even annoying beach traders can be found infrequently. Evenings are tangible cool, so it is better to capture any light windbreakers.

What time is it better to relax in Pitsunde? 33957_1

As for air humidity, it is approximately 70%, and there are sudden precipitations, that is, there are abundant showers, but they quickly end and almost immediately replaced with excellent sunny weather. And this is observed rather often and become quite familiar. Weighing advantages of visiting Abkhazia in June are very rapid passage of the border (literally in 15 minutes), then housing prices are still low, there is also no exhausting heat. That is, June is the most beautiful time for a beach holiday, for excursions and for walking through the forest.

The peak of the season falls for July and August a month. At this very time, the sea is heated to the highest temperature in + 27 ... + 29 degrees. So it can be said that this time is the most favorable for beach holidays, because it is wonderful weather, a lot of fruit and also locals are actively trying to sell anything that can only.

In addition, everything is working absolutely cafe and all excursion booths. However, at the same time, the time of the border passes significantly, and the housing prices are jumping in two or three times. Already on the beaches are incredibly crowded, and prices take off for everything - both on the goods and services. However, if you compare from Sochi or with Adler, everything will be much cheaper here, there will be less people here, and the sea is indisputly cleaner.

Autumn is of course very comfortable and very pleasant time for visiting Abkhazia. In the velvet season, which begins in September, the beaches are noticeably empty, so mostly the adult audience remains here, which loves a relaxing holiday, and children are already leaving for the school year. The sea is simply wonderful in the summer and the soft gentle sun shines every day. The day it is comfortable weather, but in the evenings it happens a little cool.

What time is it better to relax in Pitsunde? 33957_2

Autumn is a pleasant time for young wine and for a new crop. You also expect a huge amount of fruit here, and some are growing right on the roads, and the market prices are becoming more adequate. The beach season is essentially continuing until the beginning of November, and the average air temperature in autumn is plus 18 - plus 20 degrees.

Early spring is definitely not the most comfortable time to relax in these places. The average temperature of both air and water is approximately the same - + 16 ... + 17 degrees. It is also necessary to take into account that it is precisely the largest rain on the spring, then a storm is very often at sea. But at this time, nature is very violently coming to life - in March there is already a green grass with trees, and in May the most first fruits from the new crop appear in May.

Winter time gives special charm to Abkhazian subtropics. Therefore, the winter in Pitsunde is very soft, the snow is essentially a big rarity, and if it falls out, it is very quickly melting. Winter begins in January, and at the end of February it is already possible to say the planets of Mimosa and the calendar spring begins. At this time, a lot of fruits such as persimmon, tangerines and nuts.

What time is it better to relax in Pitsunde? 33957_3

The air temperature ranges from + 7 to + 15 degrees, and the sea warms up to plus 10 degrees. Moreover, some particularly hardened swimming lovers manage to make swims. There are practically no vacationers, so there are no problems with housing. This time is perfect for fans of a quiet holiday away from bustle. But it is better to come to the company, since one here can be quite boring. Only some tourists come to specifically celebrate the New Year here to rejoice at the warm Abkhaz climate.

However, when choosing housing should be paid to the fact that your room has heating, otherwise your holiday will be not comfortable. From the pleasant features of the winter holiday in Pitsunde, it can be noted here that will also be green, as in the summer, since there are a lot of species of Pitsunda pine. And besides, you will undoubtedly please the pleasant fresh air - the one that exits the spring in the middle strip. However, there may be sharp drops of temperatures from + 18 up to -5, and during one hour, and can also suddenly fall out of precipitation, which are also sharply moving from the rain into the snow.

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