Why is it worth going to Balaton?


Very often, Lake Balaton, which is located in Hungary, is called the "Hungarian Sea". Probably, this is because, in fact, there is no place in the country, but this reservoir reminds it with its sizes and color. The fact is that, depending on the sunlight, the Hungarian lake Balaton acquires that unusual light green, and then a pleasant azure-blue shade. It should be noted that a freshly lake Balaton for a long time is a popular resort in Europe - here both in the winter, and people from different countries come here, and with different levels of wealth, comes with all families and one by one.

Balaton certainly bribes tourists with its magnificent picturesque views, and from each town, which is located on the shore of this lake, can be viewed at it quite differently, and also attracts its very favorable climate and developed infrastructure. Here they love to come families with children, because the water in Balaton is very well warmed - to plus 21 - plus 22 degrees, and the depth of the lake is not more than 3.5 meters. Since Balaton is a long-time developing tourist object, the local authorities protect this status very much and provide a variety of recreation types here, and are also constantly engaged in its development.

Why is it worth going to Balaton? 33916_1

It is noteworthy that many tourists come to Balaton not only to relax and get fresh impressions, but also to significantly improve their health. Here you can not only breathe fresh air all year round, but also drink mineral water from healing sources. In this regard, the most popular resorts on the lake are considered the cities of Kesthely, Balatonfüred, Siofok and the village with the title title, located on the Tikhan Peninsula.

The beaches of Lake Balaton are very comfortable for everyone who is going to swim in the lake, or take sunbathing. Basically, all the shores of the Balaton are carefully laid out by treated wooden boards and directly on them, vacationers can spread their plaid and towels, sunbathe, or admire the surrounding species.

You can swim in the lake as much as you like and how much you need. Of course, it is impossible to call water crystal clear and it is not worth drinking, however, it is warm, and the depth of the lake is not so big. The exception is the catch near the Tikhan Peninsula - there is a depth of 12 meters. The bottom on the shores is not stony, but completely consists of soft sand.

In addition to recreation on the lake, you can also study and cultural pastime, that is, to study local historical and natural attractions. In addition, you can taste wine in local cellars, and you can go down to underground caves. The most generally accepted cultural attractions on the lake are the Benedictine Abbey and Alley of Rabindranat Tagora.

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Rabindranat Tagore was a very famous Indian poet and the author of the beautiful poems of natural and philosophical meaning. He visited the resort in 1926 and at the same time planted there. After some time, he was set a monument at the resort, and after that many other well-known cultural figures from all over the world began to come to Balaton and plant their trees.

Now you can see a memorable plate in honor of who planted it. Well, a document on the development of the Benedictine Abbey on Lake Balaton is considered one of the most ancient monuments of the Hungarian. It is noteworthy that near the Benedictine Abbey there is a kind of memory of Kievan Russia, that is, a monument of Anastasia Yaroslavn, who was the daughter of Prince Yaroslav Wise.

In addition to the cultural lake, Balaton offers its vacationer and active rest. Here you can ride bicycles, master long hiking or running routes, play squash, of course swim and participate in various competitions. Sometimes in the summer there are tournaments for swimming Balaton.

Then you can go fishing and sailing, and you can not only move on yourself to move on any sailboat you like, but also admire other sailboats from the shore or from the ferry. When you look at them from afar, then these little boats are like butterflies that rest on the water stroit.

If you are going to relax on the lake Balaton in winter, it should be understood that such a trip also has its pros and cons. Of course, it will not be possible to swim at this time, well, except if you are a walrus. Skiing and skating on the lake also do not ride, because it even freezes, then the thickness of the ice can very rarely exceed 10-20 centimeters. But rest during the winter in the resort towns of Balaton acquires a completely special charm.

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Snow lies a thin layer and small houses resemble some European appearance of past centuries. If you are closer to Christmas, there are a lot of souvenirs and a lot of charming jewelry. However, mineral springs continue to beat, as in the summer, and can be drunk at any time of the year. You can also basically fishing exactly as in the summer season. The entire infrastructure of the tourist works - there is a long-distance transport, all cultural objects, souvenir shops, bars with hotels and restaurants are open. However, tourists are somewhat less than in the summer.

To the advantages of relaxing on Lake Balaton, it is clear that a pleasant climate and warm water, cozy streets, the presence of a variety of dynamic recreation, and in a quiet place, the ability to relax with comfort, while having even a small budget. The undoubted plus is that it is very easy here to move between resort towns, because every 15 minutes there are ferries between them, and of course you should not forget that on the lake there are a lot of swans, ducks and gulls that one of all lift everyone mood.

Nevertheless, rest on Lake Balaton has its own minuses. This is primarily the fact that there are very few Russian-speaking residents here, then sharp changes for weather in particular unexpected. Do not forget that here you need to be careful with the water of Lake Balaton - you can swim in it, but it is impossible to drink it. Then, not every corner in this district can cause admiration, there are essentially and no noticeable areas. However, after all, everyone here will find his own place, its quiet streets and your beautiful view of this delightful reservoir.

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