What to try and where to eat in Estergome?


In Estergome, of course, very pleasant cafes and restaurants, and the prices here are much lower than Budapest. We can say about them that they are quite decent and, if desired, you can find even the gluten-free options there, then everything is both in solid facilities. Any exclusive food related, for example, it is not there that is missing here, but it is typical Hungarian cuisine here in a huge amount.

It is incredibly high-quality and it must certainly try. Of course, first of all the famous goulash, however, remember that Hungary has "Goulash soup" and separately "Raga Glyash". These are completely two different dishes. Raga, naturally, is more thick, and the soup-goulash, respectively, more liquid. And if it says in the menu, that this soup, then there will be such a soup there, and there is no trick that they say it is just a "diluted stew", so it's worth recalling again - these are just two different dishes.

What to try and where to eat in Estergome? 33886_1

If you at least once try Halasle - ear from different types of river fish with the addition of paprika and vegetables, then love it immediately and for life. The only problem is that it is usually very sharp. However, mostly in good restaurants it serves separately sauce from the paprika, and you can add yourself to yourself how much you want and regulate the sharpness. Classically such a ear is served in a plate with bread and it is very pleasant in winter. This is such an order, very thick and juicy fish soup, and just for the sake of him I want to return to Hungary again and again.

Further, a very cool dish is called "Chirka Paparkas" - it is such a rougure stew from vegetables and chicken, and is usually supplied with breadclocks. Then you should not forget that in Hungary for a long time they make completely stunning salts with quashen vegetables. In general, Hungary is famous for this, and, probably, many older people who lived in Soviet times, perfectly remember the cucumbers of the company "Globus" and all sorts of other other salts. So, all this is done here and does not disappear anywhere and the traditions of salting and jumpers are simply unique! There you have a cabbage, cucumbers, and uric garlic, and zucchini, tomatoes, and plums - in the general list you can continue to infinity. So unambiguous - salinity here is just fantastic.

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You should not also forget about fuagra, that is, about the roasted goose liver. Probably, not everyone knows that Hungary has long supplied raw materials for fuagra to France, and this is already talking about many. Then there is still a completely awesome mangalitz - that is, in essence it is a local Hamon cooked from a Hungarian curly pig. So, if you think I'll bring it from here, then take this Hamon - it is well stored and very, very tasty.

To the question of what to drink in the Estergome, the answer will be unambiguous - Tokay wine, or any other wine, because wine culture prevails in Hungary and not beer. Wine tastings in Hungary can be said, represent a completely separate type of tourism. And in the Estergome, they are also present - mostly tours of cellars.

The coolest desserts in the Estergome are Schomoy Galushka. This is a completely special biscuit and wet dessert, it is usually chocolate or ordinary vanilla. Biscuit is pretty soaked with custard, and then watered chocolate sauce with whipped cream. Tasty incredible. It is also worth paying attention to the "Gulden Pancakes", and even on Kürtyush-Kalach, is that Prague is usually called stern. This is such a tube from the test, which impose any delicious sprinkling, and it is necessary to have it right hot. Recently, it became fashionable in summer to put ice cream there, or any fruit, toppings and so on. The bomb, of course, is greatly glucose, but nevertheless people like the people.

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Well, if you think about the tasty brought from Hungary, this is of course the excellent Hungarian chocolate of excellent quality. Another remarkable souvenir will be the traditional Hungarian plum jam, and it is preparing exclusively from the draining, nothing is added there - neither sugar or any other additives. So, besides, it is also very useful for health. By the way, pay attention to the gift version of such a jam, which is sold in ceramic pots - looks incredibly cool. In general, it is very thick and in consistency looks like a marmalade, well, and in the taste, he should not even doubt - he is awesome.

If you are in the Estergome in the summer, you will certainly try a traditional drink that usually drink to escape from the heat is Frechch. As a rule, it is wine, most often pink or white, diluted with soda and supplied with ice, and sometimes more with mint. It is very tasty and very refreshing. In general, all lovers of gastronomic tourism in Hungary will be able to die from incredible diversity - here you have cheeses, and pies, and beautiful steaks, and unmatched fruits with vegetables and berries. So in any restaurant in Estergome, the same culinary abundance is waiting for you.

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