Excursions in Gudauri: What to see?


The Georgian village of Gudauri is mentioned back in the nineteenth century. However, until the mid-seventies of the last century, it did not differ from other villages. And only in 1975 it was decided that a new ski resort in Georgia would be opened near the village of Gudauri. In the nineties of the last century, when everyone was very hard, the work of this resort was also questioned.

However, the end of the century everything was improved and already in 2018 Gudauri becomes one of the largest ski resorts in Georgia. The ski season here begins in the month of December, but it ends in about May. The resort has highways for both children and beginners of skiing and for masters of high-speed descents and slalom. Well, if it is bored to ride, you can always get together and go on excursions to the nearest interesting places in the surrounding area.

Nearby literally from the Gudauri ski resort is the majestic mountain Kazbek, which is actually one of the highest Caucasian peaks. In very and very long-standing times, it was an active stratovol. However, about 6,000 years ago, Kazbek stopped erupting. To date, many scientists consider it extinct, but some do not agree with this and refer it to potentially active volcanoes. It is noteworthy that Kazbek has another name - Shat-Mountain.

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Also in the vicinity of Gudauri there is another amazing natural landmark - a crusade, which received its name from the stone cross. This cross in general celebrates the highest point of the road laid from the Transcaucasia to the North Caucasus. Nowadays, a military-Georgian highway passes through the pass, which connects two cities among themselves - Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi. The mention of this pass is in the novel "12 chairs", when one of the diamond hunters, namely Father Fedor, was collided with an eagle on the cross, and if you turn to the pages of the novel, then this royal bird then very hurts the priest-hunter Diamonds.

Also nearby are National Park Vashovani near the Gudauri Ski Resort. It always stands dry and very warm weather. In the spring time, two sources with salty water can be found here, well, by the summer, they completely dry out. In the park, the steppe zone is interspersed with mountains, and forests from pistachio and pomegranate trees grow on their slopes. There is a lot of all sorts of livelihood, for example, hares, as well as predators - wolves, lynx and hyenas.

Not far from one of the highest vertices of the Caucasus, which is Mount Kazbek, there is a monastery of the Holy Trinity, which was supposedly built at this place in the tenth century of our era. Scientists make such assumptions based on a peculiar ornament of stone, as well as on the architecture of the building. With the construction of this temple, two legends are still associated with the construction of this temple, and in one of them it is said that it is the Most Holy Mother of God who indicated the place where the temple should be built.

And in that legend it was said that when there was not enough stones to complete the construction of this temple, the Most Holy Mother of God successfully helped solve this problem. At the beginning of the thirties of the last century, the temple, of course, was closed, like many cult facilities in the Soviet period. Then there was even such a case that when the militant atheists set fire to the building of the temple, the Gratetian icon of the Mother of God survived, since it turned out to be non-government. Nowadays, the monastery of the Holy Trinity was opened at the end of the nineties of the last century, and pilgrims began to arrive at the beginning of the two thousandths.

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A relatively close to Gudauri is also a Darialya gorge in which the border between Georgia and Russia actually passes. It is at the bottom of this gorge that the famous River Terek flows. A bridge was laid across the river in the gorge, which the Military Georgian highway passes, continuing his way through the tunnels. The ruins of the very famous castle of Queen Tamara are also located in the Darialya Gorge.

However, contrary to the romantic version that Lermontov outlined in his poem, the destroyed building nevertheless was once a fortress. In the novel "12 chairs" also describes that it is in the Daryalar Gorge of Hope Fedor's father of Fedor to get ever diamonds and build a candle breeding, finally collapsed. The fact is that after a two-week life on a rock, the priest went crazy, because he could not go down on the road.

Also worth going to the arch of the friendship of peoples on the crusade pass. In 1983, the 200th anniversary of the George Treatise, when Georgia became part of the Russian Empire, this bright attraction appeared at this place. At this arc, there is a actual observation deck, and she herself is painted very intricate drawings, which are told about the history of Georgian and Russian peoples. In recent years, Arch is on reconstruction.

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