What is interesting to see in Poti?


The territorial Georgian city of the POTi is divided by the river into two parts. In the northern side of his side there are quarters with individual buildings, there are also a high-rise building and seaport, well, in the southern part there is already a city center with banks, restaurants, shops and markets, parks and cathedrals. Sightseeing in Poti is essentially a bit, but here are some of them perfectly known in Georgia, so that their photos can be seen even on many souvenirs.

One of these attractions is the Cathedral of the city - the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was built in Byzantine style in 1907. In the Soviet period in the temple, as usual, the library and subsequently theater, and then the establishments of these were closed. Already after the collapse of the USSR, this construction was renovated in accordance with the species that it was originally. True, unfortunately, it was not possible to save ancient authentic painting on parts of the walls, so inside the temple partially has a modern interior.

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Also the oldest building of the city is the Poti Tower, which is essentially the remains of the ancient Turkish fortress, erected in 1640. It is located in the Central Park and now there are exhibits of the memorial museum of the famous Georgian figure N. N. Nikadze.

Also very remarkable in the city is the sculpture of the French writer Alexander Duma-Father, who was specially made in his honor, as he participated in the assignment of the city status. If you look at the urban museum, you can get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the people who inhabited Colchid in those long-standing times. Immediately there are samples of archaeological exhibits that were discovered in the vicinity of Poti.

The beautiful natural attraction is the Lake Paleostomy, which is located on his outskirts in the colchis lowland. In fact, this lake is more like Liman, since two rivers fall into it - Fixers and Kaparcho. It is noteworthy that in this lake water there is an incredibly large concentration of peat sediments and also hydrogen sulfide.

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It used to be that this is a completely freshwater lake, but then later it turned out that maritime water from the Black Sea also falls. In 1961, at the bottom of the Lake Paleostomy, the archaeologists discovered traces from ancient human settlements relating to about the second century of our era. Also, a very large number of ceramic products belonging to different epochs were raised from the bottom of the lake, and even the most ancient human burials were discovered.

The highest building in Poti is undoubtedly the Pontic Lighthouse, which has already been at least 150 years. Nevertheless, after restoration, he looks almost like a new one, although he was erected back in 1862. City authorities tried to preserve it precisely in order to attract tourists here. The author of the Lighthouse project was a British engineer, but unfortunately his name was lost in history and still remains a mystery.

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In Georgia, the lighthouse was delivered by the sea on the ship. On the first floor of the beacon today is located a small, but very interesting museum dedicated to the history of Georgian navigators. There are also pictures, world maps, models of ships and so on. In the daytime, the lighthouse does not work, but in the evening and at night the huge lantern turns smoothly and brightly illuminates its red, then the white side of it. And it is very interesting that the signal lighting was also manufactured in England. In order to climb up, you need to overcome the cool screw staircase and then admire the amazing view of the whole city and the sea.

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