Features of rest in Siem Ripe


In general, the development of the resort city of Siem Rip (or Siem Reap, both readings are going) is obliged to the Majestic Temple Complex Angkor, which is located in 7 kilometers from the city. It is thanks to the thread of tourists from the small forgotten god of the village, the city for several decades has become the fact that he is now. It is quite a civilized (approximately to the European) exterior and with a relatively well-developed tourist infrastructure. To go to Siem Rip, it is worth if you want to see the most important attraction of Cambodia - Angkor Wat, who recognizes UNESCO one of the most well-preserved monuments of antiquity on Earth. The complex of temples is difficult to describe, it must be seen, yes, in principle, we are not talking about it now.

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Siem Reap, the city is not a beach, the sea is not there, and therefore it can be riding at any time of the year, even in the rainy season. When housing prices and excursion services fall significantly. Do you think the rain is a hindrance for sightseeing? Not at all. They do not go all day. Hour or two watering and that's it. And then there are whole weeks when the rain goes only at night. And by the way, it is not necessary to miss at night, because in the city there are night markets, a kind of Khmer-Vietnamese know-how, which I have not seen anywhere except in these two countries. They can buy all sorts of souvenirs, connected with both the city and an Angkor, the products of local masters, skin, fabric, silk, pearls and products from it, and much more. The largest market in the city is PHSAR CHA (old market), by the way, consider it the best in Cambodia.

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And if in the shopping process at the market suddenly hungry, then at your service a lot of restaurants and cafes, in which the seafood dishes are prepared for you, cooked by all sorts of sauces with rice or noodles. Tired of the market? Then you are directly expensive on Pub Street, which is very close. Bars, discos, nightclubs, restaurants all have services.

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Get to Siem Ripa relatively simple. In eight kilometers from the city a few years ago, Siem Reap International Airport was opened, receiving flights from many countries in the world. Alas, but in the list of these countries, Russia is not yet included, although plans seem to be as there is an increase in interest in Cambodia as a promising direction of tourism. Basically, tourists from Russia fly in Siem Rip through Vietnam, South Korea or Thailand. You can get from the Phnom Penh on the so-called high-speed boat. So-called, because these are former Soviet rocket rocket boats. Quickly, but not very comfortable.

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There is no challenge and accommodation. The choice of a hut, from economical guest houses (guesthouses) at a cost of $ 5 to a day to luxurious hotels with cost of $ 100 per night. Early room booking via the Internet is very common. By the way, in this case, almost all property owners provide customers with a free transfer from the airport.

Regarding the safety, the city is quiet, but still precautions should be observed. A large number of festive tourists are always exciting the brain with small thieves and fraudsters. But if you do not behave being sacred and stupid, then there will be no problems.

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